Radical Leftist HIPPOCRAT Shoots Off her Gun, aka gets off on a big gun

Shouldn't that be Hypocrat? As I believe you want to root the word in hypocrite... it would seem to make more sense if the root you attach it to were correctly spelled.
SJ doesn't like spelling bee queens Damo...

Oh noooeees. I better apologize and stuff or be labeled a hippocrat. Which apparently is a donkey that dresses like a hippo. I'm not even a donkey. I'd be remiss if I forgot that apology and stuff.
Since the original article (10 Questions for Maya Angelou) is only viewable by subscribers to Time, I can only determine that this incident occurred when she was a teenager, defending her mother from an intruder.

Since when do Stand Your Ground laws only apply to skinny white people? And why do right wingers think liberals don't own guns?
Shouldn't that be Hypocrat? As I believe you want to root the word in hypocrite... it would seem to make more sense if the root you attach it to were correctly spelled.
You are correct, but the old Board members remember my reference to one chubby democrat, that we, on the old Board know. Someone who I once assigned the word HippoCrat to, because of his/her way of doing things one way but preaching to US about our doing things the opposite Liberal way, as they say. I do not want to give out any personal Info because I have already learned my lesson. Also, I have a bad habit of using too many commas, which were pointed out to me many times on that Old Board. People tend to have their own personal writing schtick, and since I am NOT a GREAT WRITER, I need moore(Michael Moore) stuff to get readers to gravitate to my posts.
What about this makes her a hypocrite?
Well Senator FineStine admitted that she had a conceiled carry permit for years and now that the crime is worse, she wants to take our guns away and has admitted as much. If you want, I can post something on YouTube where Finestine says as much. I have changed my mind about Liberal North Eastern States having their guns confiscated, let Cuomo take all of them, so only your street gangs will have them. I have an anti-gun Liberal relative who after the Rodney King riots broke out, begged me to give him one of my handguns so that he could protect himself and his wife. I naturally gave him one, with the propere instructions, like do not load a bullet into the chamber, unless you are ready to shoot it, etc. This close relative is a great example of a Hippocrat, but I always admired him for never changing his Liberal views despite his making a lot of money. My Mom was Liberal, while my Dad was a Conservative, so I can see both sides like Pro-Choice, but when it comes to guns, no way, no matter what happens in the future, a few bad gun incidents, as bad as they were, should not change the lives and safety of a hundred million+ gun owners.
You are correct, but the old Board members remember my reference to one chubby democrat, that we, on the old Board know. Someone who I once assigned the word HippoCrat to, because of his/her way of doing things one way but preaching to US about our doing things the opposite Liberal way, as they say. I do not want to give out any personal Info because I have already learned my lesson. Also, I have a bad habit of using too many commas, which were pointed out to me many times on that Old Board. People tend to have their own personal writing schtick, and since I am NOT a GREAT WRITER, I need moore(Michael Moore) stuff to get readers to gravitate to my posts.

Works for me.