Rangel axed, but the big news is...


Loyal to the end
...The AP used the correct term to describe the Party of libtards:


Published: March 4, 2010

WASHINGTON - Buffeted by ethics inquiries, 20-term Rep. Charles B. Rangel of New York stepped down yesterday as the chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, delivering a heavy political jolt to a Democrat Party already facing angry voters.

There is absolutely no way to embarrass the Democrat Party. They would have to have morals first.

I was mainly commenting on Rangel's resignation. I don't think either party has much in the way of morals. They want to win and defeat the other party. Morality comes second to that.
Defeating the Party of socialists, communists and usurpers of the Constitution is moral.

The end justifies the means? Immoral behavior is ok as long as you claim its part of the effort to defeat the democrats?
It could be that he stepped down just to save his party the embarrassment and hassles.

It could be that he'd have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see the handwriting on the wall, but it looks like it was Nancy Pelosi who was suffering from those afflictions. He offered a leave of absence and resignation from the get-go, but Speaker Verbosey, didn't want to suffer yet another Democrat hit.

Face it W. The Dem Boat has sprung some significant leaks.

By any means necessary, conservatism must be annihilated, if freedom is to see another decade.

Right after you're castrated so you don't do the unthinkable and produce heirs to be foisted on America.

May I schedule you an appointment?
