rape as a tactic of war

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
i watched a documentary about the area of africa called the congo, a realatively prosperous prosperous area

there is a conflict between two groups, one native to and wants to keep control of the congo and one non-native that wants to control the congo

they fight each other and everyone else hopes that they do not get in the way

people that live in the area of fighting are either killed or recruited (depending on age and resources - if they have enough money they can buy their way out) if they are male and raped if they are female (no age limit either way)

the soldiers on both sides rape the females

some because they have not had a female for too long

some as an additional terrorist action

some because it will activate a magic potion that will protect the user from harm

the number of males participating in any given rape number from two to over twenty per female

boys as young as 8 are encouraged to start the rape so as to indoctrinate them

sometimes the females are killed during or after the rape

what is being done to address this situation by the local government - nothing - well next to nothing, there is one female police officer assigned to arrest rapists and abusers of children, but most men arrested buy their way out of captivity (a few dollars) or taken out of captivity by their fellow soldiers
In the ancient world it was a common tactic in war to raze an entire conquered city, kill all of the men, rape all of the women, and then sell the women and children into slavery. This is remnants of ancient barbarism, in a modern, mostly stable world.

I apologize Don...I got off track and hijacked your thread on the documentary....

Please forgive me..:clink: