rape as an avoidable crime

Don Quixote

cancer survivor

i thought blaming the victim had gone out of style, especially rape, but NO, it still lurks in the minds of men that women are asking for it if they go places where rape may occur or 'behave' in ways calculated to make them victims - like going to parties, walking in dark places, getting wasted on substances

what ever happened to men saying that hey that person is not in their right mind and instead of taking advantage, helping the person

maybe if men got raped as often as women, then rape laws and charges would be better suited to protecting a victim

so lets here it for homosexual rape of men - the more the better for men who go to parties, indulge in bad behavior, etc.

or perhaps i should say let's hear it for heterosexual, homosexual and bi-sexual rape - we are all just asking to be raped if we do the wrong thing or go to the wrong place

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It's your own liberal bastards in the legislatures and courts that are responsible for many of the repeated offenses. Why? Because they refuse to lock away rapists. Why do they do this? Because rapists can be "reformed," they say. What tripe!
It's your own liberal bastards in the legislatures and courts that are responsible for many of the repeated offenses. Why? Because they refuse to lock away rapists. Why do they do this? Because rapists can be "reformed," they say. What tripe!

unfortunately, rape is an easy charge to make and a difficult charge to prove, under some circumstances

if rapists can be 'cured', then rape does not need to be a capital offense no matter how the victim or their family and friends may feel

currently, my wife and i have two daughters and two sons, three grandsons and three granddaughters with another on the way (any day now)

if any of them were to be raped, i would forget my thoughts on capital punishment and take the law into my own hands - but then i am insane and unsane...

oh well
Just because a Crime is avoidable, does not make the victim any less of a victim.
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It's your own liberal bastards in the legislatures and courts that are responsible for many of the repeated offenses. Why? Because they refuse to lock away rapists. Why do they do this? Because rapists can be "reformed," they say. What tripe!

Yes I know Thornicus. Those liberals in California only give rapists a mere life sentence on the first offense. How dare they not make it a mandatory death sentence? Damn liberals, ruining everything and protecting rapists!
if rapists can be 'cured', then rape does not need to be a capital offense no matter how the victim or their family and friends may feel

They cannot, with current psychology, be cured to a satisfactory extent. In fact, just doing nothing leads to exactly the same results as these high-minded programs. These "reform" people just jumped into the justice system without really knowing what they were doing at all.
from wiki

In any allegation of rape, the absence of consent to [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_intercourse"]sexual intercourse[/ame] on the part of the victim is critical. Consent need not be express, and may be implied from the context and from the relationship of the parties, but the absence of objection does not of itself constitute consent.
[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duress"]Duress[/ame], in which the victim may be subject to or threatened by overwhelming force or violence, and which may result in absence of objection to intercourse, leads to the presumption of lack of consent. Duress may be actual or threatened force or [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence"]violence[/ame]. Even [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackmail"]blackmail[/ame] may constitute duress. The [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Tribunal_for_Rwanda"]International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda[/ame] in its landmark 1998 judgment used a definition of rape which did not use the word consent. It defined rape as: "a physical invasion of a sexual nature committed on a person under circumstances which are coercive."[7]
Valid consent is also lacking if the victim lacks an actual capacity to give consent, as in the case of a victim with a [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_impairment"]mental impairment[/ame] or [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Developmental_disability"]developmental disability[/ame], or is judgmentally impaired or incapacitated by [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol"]alcohol[/ame] or [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drug"]drugs[/ame] (legal or otherwise).
Consent can always be withdrawn before the actual sexual intercourse takes place.
The law would invalidate consent in the case of sexual intercourse with a person below the age at which they can legally consent to such relations. (See [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_consent"]age of consent[/ame].) Such cases are sometimes called [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statutory_rape"]statutory rape[/ame] or "unlawful sexual intercourse", regardless of whether it was [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Informed_consent"]consensual[/ame] or not.
In times gone by and in many countries still today marriage is said to constitute at least an implied consent to sexual intercourse. However, marriage in many countries today is no longer a defence to rape or assault. In some jurisdictions, a person cannot be found guilty of the rape of a spouse, either on the basis of "implied consent" or (in the case of former British colonies) because of a statutory requirement that the intercourse must have been "unlawful" (which is legal nomenclature for outside of wedlock).[8] However, in many of those jurisdictions it is still possible to bring prosecutions for what is effectively rape by characterizing it as an assault.[9]
Saying rape is avoidable is a trivial argument. All crimes are "avoidable" to some extent. It's absurd to say that a perpetrator is less at fault because the victim could have avoided the situation by some following some ridiculous code that would violate her natural rates if actually enforced by law. It's like saying that someone who camps out brought on the bear gorging and therefore deserved it, or someone who owns a business brought on the armed robbery by having too much money.
Who said it was "avoidable"?


one of our fellow posters whose name i will not mention because i do not want this to be any more personal than it is

i read the post and became incensed - it led to this post

i got very angry - something i studiously try to avoid
Saying rape is avoidable is a trivial argument. All crimes are "avoidable" to some extent. It's absurd to say that a perpetrator is less at fault because the victim could have avoided the situation by some following some ridiculous code that would violate her natural rates if actually enforced by law. It's like saying that someone who camps out brought on the bear gorging and therefore deserved it, or someone who owns a business brought on the armed robbery by having too much money.

h2o - thank you
Saying rape is avoidable is a trivial argument. All crimes are "avoidable" to some extent. It's absurd to say that a perpetrator is less at fault because the victim could have avoided the situation by some following some ridiculous code that would violate her natural rates if actually enforced by law. It's like saying that someone who camps out brought on the bear gorging and therefore deserved it, or someone who owns a business brought on the armed robbery by having too much money.

I agree.

one of our fellow posters whose name i will not mention because i do not want this to be any more personal than it is

i read the post and became incensed - it led to this post

i got very angry - something i studiously try to avoid

No worries DQ, I shall mind my own biz and just announce that I am...surprised.

I amusing mild language because Top doesn't like it when I'm effing and blinding. He thinks I'm George Galloway or something.
Saying rape is avoidable is a trivial argument. All crimes are "avoidable" to some extent. It's absurd to say that a perpetrator is less at fault because the victim could have avoided the situation by some following some ridiculous code that would violate her natural rates if actually enforced by law. It's like saying that someone who camps out brought on the bear gorging and therefore deserved it, or someone who owns a business brought on the armed robbery by having too much money.

That's an interesting point, about all crimes being avoidable to some extent. I think I'd like to disagree with it though and see where it goes, if anywhere.

But on the idea that a victim of a crime has contributed to their own situation, yes, I agree. One of the reasons is technical. This is crime we're talking about and a crime is an act against the state, against the state's promise to keep the peace and maintain good order and safety of the populace. That, "the victim is at fault" bullshit, is the sort of stuff a lawyer defending a negligence case is going to argue in an effort to find some sort of contributory negligence by the plaintiff.
The victim doesn't have to be at fault. Understanding how to avoid the crime in the future is helpful so that we can inform others how to do that.

Now, what the h*** was she doing in that alley wearing a clown suit anyway?! ;)
Its a natural human instinct to try and distance themselfs from the position of the victim.

Oh my she got raped? Well she did go on a date with him or she was wearing really short tight clothes or She went outside by her self at night or She was wering too much makeup or on and on and on. The person can then feel safe because they dont let their daughter date, wear short tight clothes, go outside at night or wear alot of makeup. Then the cycle goes on until wemon are wearing burkas and cant talk to anyohne ohter than a family member or they will stone her to death.

You see blaming the victim is a bad plan huh?