Raping Children Is A Special Privilege


Verified User
Every crime a teacher commits is not only above the law it is moral. Teacher Tay Anderson is a case in point:



Colorado Herald responds with an emphatic “no.”

Mr. Will Jones, the Communications Director for DPS, who has not released any worthwhile statements on Tay Anderson and all of his rapes, contacted this page to have a picture of Tay Anderson with minor children removed. Dr. Kimberly Grayson, the Principal of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Early College, is apparently “concerned” about portraying Anderson with her minor students. She was not concerned enough about Anderson’s actual association with minor children to release a statement or condemn the School Board Rapist.

DPS tells Colorado Herald: remove any pics of Tay Anderson with children
Herald Staff
May 28, 2021


Teachers rape the spirit and emotions of every child they indoctrinate, but I am betting that you never knew that teachers physically raping children is a special privilege:

Forget Diarrhea Mouth. Every word Lewis ever said about Civil Rights was a con job (SPECIAL PRIVILEGES FOR THE CHOSEN FEW). Take away John Lewis’ moral horseshit and he would have been speechless:


Every time parasites start screaming their favorite slogan:

those Rights inevitably become special privileges for non-whites, criminals, degenerates, and traitors.


Here is the latest example of Democrats caring for children:

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott demanded that the White House close a San Antonio facility housing migrant children Wednesday following allegations that children there were being sexually assaulted.

Published April 7
Texas Gov. Abbott blames Biden as allegations emerge of sexual assault at child migrant facility
By Caitlin McFall


. . . but I am betting that you never knew that teachers physically raping children is a special privilege:

QUESTION: Are teachers’ unions behind this policy?

ANSWER: YES. Millions of illegal alien children increase classroom sizes in every public school. More importantly, increasing tax dollar subsidies to educate illegal aliens raises teacher incomes.

In addition to committing 2,500 murders in America, illegal aliens kept themselves busy by committing 75,000 acts of drunk driving; 68,000 acts of dealing or possessing dangerous drugs; 46,000 assaults; 10,000 burglaries; 10,000 foreigner in possession of a firearm offenses; 14,500 sexual assaults (not counting prostitution or sex crimes against children); stealing 5,200 vehicles; committing 4,700 armed robberies; and 1,800 instances of kidnapping.

Staggering 2,500 Murders Committed by Illegal Aliens in US 2018
By US Politics and News
Last updated Jan 3, 2020


Aside from deporting known criminals (multiple times) illegal aliens who cross the border know they are protected by the Constitution. It follows that their ACLU lawyers defending illegal aliens who get caught raping children will also get special privilege. I would go so far and say that illegal alien pedophiles that come here do so well-knowing they will get away with rape and even murder. If you doubt me remember that illegal aliens can teach ACLU lawyers about Constitution protections.

The past year has seen many record-breaking increases in bad things. In Democrat-run cities across America, crime has been skyrocketing, with murders, rapes, assaults, and other violent crimes going through the roof. In places with endless lockdowns (again, Democrat-run) we’ve also seen an increase in overdoses and suicides. And now, on the Democrat-run southern border, it turns out that there’s been a 3,166% rise in the number of sex offenders caught trying to enter the U.S.

The report about the rise in sex offender apprehensions comes from the Border Patrol (hat tip: Red State):

U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to Del Rio Sector arrested 10 convicted sexual offenders May 17 to May 24, shortly after they crossed into the United States illegally.

“The majority of these criminals were apprehended in our sector’s most remote areas, attempting to avoid detection by crossing far from populated areas, “said Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Austin L. Skero II. “Our agents’ sign cutting and tracking skills were instrumental in capturing these criminals, preventing them from infiltrating our communities.”

On May 24, Border Patrol agents arrested two Mexican nationals with prior convictions. Record checks revealed one individual had a felony conviction for lewd and lascivious molestation. The second had a felony conviction for lewd and lascivious acts with a child.

Between May 17 and 23, Border Patrol agents arrested Mexican nationals with felony convictions including forcible sexual abuse, sexual assault of a child under 14, sexual assault of a child, sexual assault, sexual conduct with a person under 13 and a registered sexual offender. Agents also arrested two Honduran nationals with felony convictions for statutory rape, and second-degree sexual assault of a child.

Since the start of Fiscal Year 2021, Oct. 1, Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents have arrested 95 convicted sex offenders, a 3,166 percent increase over the same timeframe last fiscal year.

Admittedly 95 sex offenders out of the hundreds of thousands of aliens illegally entering America is not a big number, so that 3,166% claim is a bit of a head fake. But when you realize that the number represents only the ones who are caught and already have a record, things take on a frightening perspective. You can bet that the actual number of people with a propensity for rape and pedophilia cross a border lacking any controls is going to be substantially higher than just 95 people.

To give you a sense of the problem with illegal aliens and sex crimes, an organization called North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement has spent years keeping track of the number of illegal immigrants arrested just for child rape, as opposed to raping adults. Here are their records just for the past sixteen months in one relatively small state:

2021 Monthly Child Rapes by Illegal Aliens

4) April 2021 21 illegal aliens arrested for 200 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

3) March 2021 17 illegal aliens arrested for 70 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

2) February 2021 33 illegal aliens arrested for 100 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

1) January 2021 17 illegal aliens arrested for 55 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

2020 Monthly Child Rapes by Illegal Aliens

12) December 2020 21 illegal aliens arrested for 379 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

11) November 2020 8 illegal aliens arrested for 23 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

10) October 2020 15 illegal aliens arrested for 39 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

9) September 2020 28 illegal aliens arrested for 100 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

8) August 2020 22 illegal aliens arrested for 107 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

7) July 2020 17 illegal aliens arrested for 63 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

6) June 2020 22 illegal aliens arrested for 238 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

5) May 2020 23 illegal aliens arrested for 70 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

4) April 2020 15 illegal aliens arrested for 29 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

3) March 2020 22 illegal aliens arrested for 145 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

2) February 2020 15 illegal aliens arrested for 40 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

1) January 2020 38 illegal aliens arrested for 140 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC here

The above, of course, is not meant to say that all illegal immigrants are rapists. However, to the extent that illegal immigrants shouldn’t be here in the first place, it does mean that every single one of those child rapes is a crime that happened only because of lax immigration enforcement.

Moreover, with the Border Patrol announcing an increase of more than 3,000% in known sex offenders whom they managed to catch, know that the number of sex crimes in America is going to go up very soon.


IMAGE: North Carolina illegal alien sex offenders for April 2021.

June 7, 2021
Sex offenders are invading America
By Andrea Widburg

Teachers rape the spirit and emotions of every child they indoctrinate, but I am betting that you never knew that teachers physically raping children is a special privilege:

Teaching children a pack of lies for money is also a special privilege if you are well-known Communists:

In private life Barack and Michelle are teaching kids to hate America via handsomely paid projects through Netflix

Save The Children From The Marxist Madness Of Barack & Michelle Obama
By Judi McLeod
June 8, 2021
