rasmussen poll


69% of the poll (assuming random samples) of the American people say they are positive the media is biased, and pushing their candidate (Obama).

Is that going to hurt---or help McCain and Palin, given all of the media unsubstanciated claims (that Palin will jam down their throats) and attacks against one of our real American citizen women--and political hero?

You libs just don't listen! I told you this was going to happen--and it is happening even faster than I thought possible. Face it---the media and liberial insults are not really appealing to real Americans.
Sean Hannity radio. no link--sorry.

I am sure you can find the poll somewhere---may be the Drudge report or the rasmussion web site (what ever it is). I am pretty sure you won't find it on major media or from left wing basement organizations. lol
69% of the poll (assuming random samples) of the American people say they are positive the media is biased, and pushing their candidate (Obama).

Is that going to hurt---or help McCain and Palin, given all of the media unsubstanciated claims (that Palin will jam down their throats) and attacks against one of our real American citizen women--and political hero?

You libs just don't listen! I told you this was going to happen--and it is happening even faster than I thought possible. Face it---the media and liberial insults are not really appealing to real Americans.

Good god....another Fox news moron. Christ, almost all the major news outlets are owned by corporate conglomerates pushing a right wing agenda and you moron simpletons call any least little bit of objectivity or holding politicians accountable "a liberal bias".

Well technically I guess objectivity is a liberal bias as one must be open minded to be objective.