'Rating Obama after two years'


'TNR asks prominent intellectuals where they stand on the president.' by TNR Staff

This is an interesting bit of information as it sums up the liberal frustration with the Obama administration. While conservatives and republicans claim the administration has gone too far left - this is simply rhetoric - the thinkers out there examine the reality of realpolitik.

Two comments - see all at link below.

"I recognize that, in domestic matters, the opportunity has been lost for reforms on a grander scale than Obama has already achieved. (Still, I applaud the achievements. Hillary Clinton’s health care proposal may have been grander yet, but the existing one is good enough. Not for nothing do I endorse Barack Obama for president.) But now that people no longer mutter in their soup about George W. Bush, hasn’t the time arrived to speak up audibly about human rights? And about mad ideologies and their influence in several parts of the world? An Obama administration might even discover that a policy of democratic solidarity would, in the long run, confer practical benefits." PB

"Most of what has kept Obama from realizing his maximum potential would have kept Hillary Clinton from realizing hers. I refer, of course, to the Republican Party in company with very big money, availing themselves of an archaic Senate structure, anti-majoritarian rules, the Supremes’ recent plutocratic ruling in Citizens United, and so on. Would Hillary have fought more effectively against a dead-ended Afghanistan re-up, against bloated military spending, against torture, against extending the Bush tax cuts for the plutocracy, for prosecution of the irresponsibles who wrecked the global financial system? I doubt it. So I have no regrets. Health care reform (compromises and all), the repeal of DADT, Senate passage of New Start, all lift my heart." TG


"In the political turnover in the United States in the autumn of 1994, as previously indicated, those opposing aid to the poor in its several forms won their stunning victory with the support of less than one quarter all eligible voters, fewer than half of whom had gone to the polls. The popular and media response was that those who had prevailed represented the view and voice of the public. Had there been a full turnout at the election, both the result and the reaction would have been decidedly different. The sense of social responsibility for the poor would have been greatly enhanced." John Kenneth Galbraith 'The Good Society'
this is why killing ACORN was so important to the right.

It helped and encouraged poor people to vote.

They knew if poor people all started voting this country would be a true democracy.

They dont want more Americans voting , it ripps the power from them and places it in the people hands.
Once again Desh has her hand on the pulse beat of America. Yes the intellectual class is all about Acorn. Excuse me, the 'professional left' as Robert Gibbs refered to them as. Here in SF they can't stop talking about Acorn. Jan Brady with her 'Marsha, Marsha Marsha' chant has nothing on 'Acron, Acorn Acorn'.
Once again Desh has her hand on the pulse beat of America. Yes the intellectual class is all about Acorn. Excuse me, the 'professional left' as Robert Gibbs refered to them as. Here in SF they can't stop talking about Acorn. Jan Brady with her 'Marsha, Marsha Marsha' chant has nothing on 'Acron, Acorn Acorn'.

If America had listened to ACORN, we might have avoided the housing bubble bust and the foreclosure crisis.
One of the greatest paradoxes of modern America is how a small organization that's primary goal was helping poor minorities live just a bit better came under attack for voter registration while corporations can poison and kill and the right wing conservative republicans worship, praise, and support these corporations? Boggles the mind of reason.

"The organization came under attack from Republicans after it helped millions of mostly minority and low-income citizens apply to register to vote in recent years. The attacks escalated in September, 2009 after a video sting operation by conservative activists led to a Congressional vote to "defund" the group. The controversy sapped the organization's resources and hampered its fundraising. On March 1, 2010 Brooklyn prosecutors on Monday cleared ACORN of criminal wrongdoing after a four-month probe triggered by the films produced by undercover conservative activists. "They edited the tape to meet their agenda," a source in the District Attorney's office told the New York Daily News." http://www.acorn.org/node/693

"Something is profoundly wrong with the way we live today. For thirty years we have made a virtue out of the pursuit of material self-interest: indeed, this very pursuit now constitutes whatever remains of our sense of collective purpose. We know what things cost but have no idea what they are worth. We no longer ask of a judicial ruling or a legislative act: is it good? Is it fair? Is it just? Is it right? Will it help bring about a better society or a better world? Those used to be the political questions, even if they invited no easy answers. We must learn once again to pose them." Tony Judt 'Ill Fares the Land'
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My CINC has done a remarkably good job considering the circumstances and as he is my CINC as well as the president I have nothing but praise for the job he has done.
Rubberband Man

