Razor Webbway and any other names


To Damocles.

By permitting this person to post on this forum you are in danger of allowing white supremacy and extremism to be promoted. I know you have freedom of speech, but there is also a freedom not to have this disgusting stuff openly promoted.
I strongly suggest that you ban him for life.
To Damocles.

By permitting this person to post on this forum you are in danger of allowing white supremacy and extremism to be promoted. I know you have freedom of speech, but there is also a freedom not to have this disgusting stuff openly promoted.
I strongly suggest that you ban him for life.

Such things might happen in Hong Kong; but this site isn't ruled by the Chinese.
This country has free speech and it is upheld, even if we don't agree with the one using the freedom.

Hell; Damo has allowed you to stay and you're an idiot, all within your own right.
I try for a balance Lowaicue.

Many people express opinions on here that I don't agree with, some that I don't even like to hear. I watch for a takeover. If, say, I started to have a bunch of skinheads I would nip that in the bud as I won't run a site that is solely populated by the stupidest people on the planet. However, as long as it is one guy with a very unpopular opinion I cannot see a valid reason to take action.
To Damocles.

By permitting this person to post on this forum you are in danger of allowing white supremacy and extremism to be promoted. I know you have freedom of speech, but there is also a freedom not to have this disgusting stuff openly promoted.
I strongly suggest that you ban him for life.

I tried this before and achieved the same result, you just have to accept that people from California are mostly barking mad. Although I am not sure that it is entirely fair to judge the whole state based on RazorX, USLoyal, Yurt and Bijou. Oh wait a minute, nearly forgot that Cawacko lives in San Fran so maybe there are some relatively sane people there after all.
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lowa, you may not be aware, but you already have the power to do a personal ban for life on any user you dont' like. It's called the ignore function. And no, I am not being facetious.

I think the ignore function is way to underused. It literally allows you to completely silence having to see someones posts. Granted, you'll still see them having started a thread, but you wont see the content of it, unless you really want to go out of your way. And if that happens, who do you really have to blame but yourself?

We also have the APP section, which does not allow racism, and I encourage other people to start using that section more if they want a safer environment.

Many options at everyones disposal.
lowa, you may not be aware, but you already have the power to do a personal ban for life on any user you dont' like. It's called the ignore function. And no, I am not being facetious.

I think the ignore function is way to underused. It literally allows you to completely silence having to see someones posts. Granted, you'll still see them having started a thread, but you wont see the content of it, unless you really want to go out of your way. And if that happens, who do you really have to blame but yourself?

We also have the APP section, which does not allow racism, and I encourage other people to start using that section more if they want a safer environment.

Many options at everyones disposal.

Grind make a women's only section.
lowa, you may not be aware, but you already have the power to do a personal ban for life on any user you dont' like. It's called the ignore function. And no, I am not being facetious.

I think the ignore function is way to underused. It literally allows you to completely silence having to see someones posts. Granted, you'll still see them having started a thread, but you wont see the content of it, unless you really want to go out of your way. And if that happens, who do you really have to blame but yourself?

We also have the APP section, which does not allow racism, and I encourage other people to start using that section more if they want a safer environment.

Many options at everyones disposal.

It would be really nice if you could ignore them completely even when they start a thread.
I tried this before and achieved the same result, you just have to accept that people from California are mostly barking mad. Although I am not sure that it is entirely fair to judge the whole state based on RazorX, USLoyal, Yurt and Bijou. Oh wait a minute, nearly forgot that Cawacko lives in San Fran so maybe there are some relatively sane people there after all.

I have no problem with Yurt or Bijou. The former is on permanent ignore because he never really says anything, Bijou I find ok, Loyal has gone, thank goodness so, really there is only this Webbway (Razor) character. His particular brand of racism is, I am sure, a source of embarrassment for most people here and a source of anger for anyone who does not fit his WASPish views.
Well, I've made my point. Back to the grind...no no no I have nothing against Grind...
there is only like 4-5 women on this site. I don't think that would make a lot of sense.

This forum would be worse with no women... even if they are mostly a little 'touched'. They sort of 'round off' the community.And before Apple has a chance, it is the 'round' bits that are especially appealing!
I have no problem with Yurt or Bijou. The former is on permanent ignore because he never really says anything, Bijou I find ok, Loyal has gone, thank goodness so, really there is only this Webbway (Razor) character. His particular brand of racism is, I am sure, a source of embarrassment for most people here and a source of anger for anyone who does not fit his WASPish views.
Well, I've made my point. Back to the grind...no no no I have nothing against Grind...

To Damocles.

By permitting this person to post on this forum you are in danger of allowing white supremacy and extremism to be promoted. I know you have freedom of speech, but there is also a freedom not to have this disgusting stuff openly promoted.
I strongly suggest that you ban him for life.

lowiq and legion are the only two people i have on ignore. i actually looked at lowiq's OP though and i am confident my decision to have him on ignore is sound. stop crying and bitching. if you don't like a poster, put them on ignore. calling for their ban only proves you're a crybaby that can't handle opposing viewpoints.

racism exists in all society, in every ethnic group. stop crying over one racist on one message board and instead, fight that racism by countering his points or simply ignore him. your choice. but this isn't china, you can't ban people based on thoughts lowiq.
lowiq and legion are the only two people i have on ignore. i actually looked at lowiq's OP though and i am confident my decision to have him on ignore is sound. stop crying and bitching. if you don't like a poster, put them on ignore. calling for their ban only proves you're a crybaby that can't handle opposing viewpoints.

racism exists in all society, in every ethnic group. stop crying over one racist on one message board and instead, fight that racism by countering his points or simply ignore him. your choice. but this isn't china, you can't ban people based on thoughts lowiq.

i have put several people on ignore because they used profanity at me

the exception to that rule is dixie, i do not want to tolerate the dishonesty of the posts
i have put several people on ignore because they used profanity at me

the exception to that rule is dixie, i do not want to tolerate the dishonesty of the posts

Are you certain he is dishonest? I mean, the guy sincerely believes that 1/3 doesn't exist, so it stands to reason that his reasoning is naturally faulty.