Re-enlist ?

They were all given ADDITIONAL bonuses to re-enlist in country. One number I heard over at Fort Bliss was 10k OVER the normal re-enlist bonuses.
Army Re-enlistments at All-Time High
Monday September 29, 2008

Retention in the active duty Army is thousands of re-enlistments ahead of its goal for the year, according to information published by the Army Times. Combined with a strong recruiting year, the retention numbers are rapidly pushing the Army toward its expanded end-strength goal of 547,400 for 2010.

With a month left in the fiscal year, unit commanders and career counselors had re-enlisted 72,083 soldiers.That total is more than 7,000 re-enlistments above the fiscal year goal of 65,000.
And it will probably grow more as times on the outside get harder. A recession is good for military enlistment.