Read This: You'll be Shocked.


New member
I am in complete agreement with a Liberal cause. Actually, I have a FEW Liberal causes, as I've said before, I care deeply about the state of the environment, I just don't agree with the Hypocrites like Algore, who run around in Private Jets, and say that buying his "Carbon Credits", are the answer, along with DESTROYING American businesses, while leaving Chinese, Russian, Eatern European ones to continue to devastate the Earth.
But I want today to say that my present agreement is with Richard Gere. The Tibetan People have been being MURDERED by the Chinese ALL THROUGH the Clinton Presidency, and it never CEASES to AMAZE me, the BALLS that Hillary hides, under those dresses and pantsuits! Read on.

Hillary has no shame: China version
Published in April 7th, 2008
Posted by Kevin in Character, Criminal Activity, Ethics, History, Scandals, What about Bill?, fundraising
Hillary Clinton today on the Olympics in China:
The violent clashes in Tibet and the failure of the Chinese government to use its full leverage with Sudan to stop the genocide in Darfur are opportunities for Presidential leadership. These events underscore why I believe the Bush administration has been wrong to downplay human rights in its policy towards China. At this time, and in light of recent events, I believe President Bush should not plan on attending the opening ceremonies in Beijing, absent major changes by the Chinese government.
It is really something to see the wife - and supposed chief political adviser - of President Clinton have the guts to criticize anyone about China. Her husband took campaign contributions and looked the other way while the Chinese acquired military secrets and crushed dissidents. When did Bill ever do anything to attempt to force China to change its human rights policy? Hard to say tough things when you depend on their campaign contributions and speaking fees.
Just to refresh your memory, here is Robert Kagan:
Did the Chinese government steal secrets allowing it to build smaller, more efficient nuclear warheads that can be aimed at U.S. cities? Did they obtain technological know-how from U.S. satellite companies to improve the reliability of their intercontinental ballistic missiles? Did they fuel a nuclear weapons race between Indian and Pakistan by supplying Pakistan with nuclear technology and materials? Did they share their own improved ballistic-missile designs with the North Koreans, giving Pyongyang the ability to strike targets across the Pacific? Have they engaged in a harsh crackdown on democracy activists for the last year?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes. But in the face of the manifest failure of their policy, Clinton administration officials just keep chirping merrily along about the success of their “strategic partnership” with China. Clinton insisted last week his policy “has paid dividends.” The relationship with China is “open, candid, honest.” And just look at the “dividends” we’ve received. Okay, maybe they stole our nuclear secrets and helped North Korea build better ICBMs. But, hey, they signed the Chemical Weapons Treaty and the Test Ban Treaty. Maybe they are cracking down on dissent, but at least they signed a human rights convention. To be sure, as the evidence piles up against the administration, officials strain to find ever more imaginative justifications for its policy.
Rod Dreher also notes the amazing hypocrisy involved here and links to some news articles detailing Bill’s perfidy on this issue.
It is also worth noting that since leaving office Bill has made millions from speaking fees from pro-Chinese groups in Asia.
Hillary castigates President Bush for not doing enough on human rights in China when the history of her family’s political careers and financial dealings are based in part on the dirty money China used to buy their acquiescence!
Just when you think her lack of shame has reached its peak, she takes it to another level. I guess she really will say anything to get elected.
I should have said, the 1st paragragh after Hillary Clinton today on the Olympics in China:, is HER quote.