Reagan @ 68% Approval on 01/1989

Good news from the graveyard!! Reagan is still dead!! His policies have ruined this country but at least he's still taking a deep 6 holiday.
Good news from the graveyard!! Reagan is still dead!! His policies have ruined this country but at least he's still taking a deep 6 holiday.
That was the point. Somebody else seems to have the constant habit of trying to compare Obama to Reagan...
Good news from the graveyard!! Reagan is still dead!! His policies have ruined this country but at least he's still taking a deep 6 holiday.
I'll say it again: You lib-tards can have the Left Coast and we'll ship all the northeast liberals over to you. We'll break up the country into right and left, have separate federal governments and we'll see how long before you come begging for food. :)
I'll say it again: You lib-tards can have the Left Coast and we'll ship all the northeast liberals over to you. We'll break up the country into right and left, have separate federal governments and we'll see how long before you come begging for food. :)

You tried that in 1861 and it didn't work then either.
You tried that in 1861 and it didn't work then either.
If you are referring to the Civil War it was you Democrats who decided to secede, and again because of the same issues: your lack of understanding about basic economics, lack of respect for the free market system, and your insistence on taking freedom from a specific class of individuals for the benefit of yourselves. But unlike last time, when the GOP decided to kick your asses and force you to renounce slavery, I support a geographical separation of the two political parties with individuals making the choices themselves.
Yes, the beloved and heroic populists faught for the South. Anti-capitalism, big business, industrialism, and diversified markets for the loss!!
The economy did well from FDR till Reagan, after Reagan started the destruction of the middle class, the downward slide began. But who is the hero to conservatives? You guessed it, our worst president in the modern era. Ronald Reagan.

Obama is doing fine.

"His job-creation record won’t look much better. The Bush administration created about three million jobs (net) over its eight years, a fraction of the 23 million jobs created under President Bill Clinton’s administration and only slightly better than President George H.W. Bush did in his four years in office." Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ

"The Republican theology of tax giveaways for the wealthy has not yet translated into a recovery for workers, but the combination of these cuts and rising government is likely to generate some job creation along with faster economic growth, Bernstein and Mishel say. Still, dispiriting recent wage trends and depressed employment levels suggest that a "self-sustaining, robust recovery is not just around the corner," they say." Bush's Job-Loss Recovery the Worst on Record Since the Great Depression (October 7, 2003) - Working Life

'It's Official: Obama Is Creaming Bush When It Comes To Jobs'
CHART OF THE DAY: It's Official: Obama Is Creaming Bush When It Comes To Jobs

PolitiFact * Rep. Steny Hoyer claims there were more job losses in Bush's last three months than last three under Obama[/quote]
Mican, when will The Obama take responsibility and stop blaming Bush?
Why would he do that? Midcan thinks that only Republicans suck and that will be the way he is until he dies. He is willing to believe anything at all that anybody says that supports his preconceived ideology that was pounded into him like religion. He's never been a convert, he is the product of his inability to see beyond his indoctrination.

As long as there are people like Midcan there is no reason for Obama to claim responsibility for any of his decisions. Somebody will write a book about it supporting his ideological puritanical views and he'll be trying to sell the book on this site for decades to come. He even sees "evil" in a post where somebody is making fun of another poster who keeps bringing up Ronnie. There hasn't been original thought in the head of Midcan since I've "met" him, nor do I suspect there ever will be. He would not pollute his mind with something that might make him think an original thought.
Why would he do that? Midcan thinks that only Republicans suck and that will be the way he is until he dies. He is willing to believe anything at all that anybody says that supports his preconceived ideology that was pounded into him like religion. He's never been a convert, he is the product of his inability to see beyond his indoctrination.

As long as there are people like Midcan there is no reason for Obama to claim responsibility for any of his decisions. Somebody will write a book about it supporting his ideological puritanical views and he'll be trying to sell the book on this site for decades to come. He even sees "evil" in a post where somebody is making fun of another poster who keeps bringing up Ronnie. There hasn't been original thought in the head of Midcan since I've "met" him, nor do I suspect there ever will be. He would not pollute his mind with something that might make him think an original thought.
Thanks for telling me what I already know. :good4u:

You guys can believe any bizarre Glenn Beck revisionist history you want. But the facts are in front of your faces.

"Granted, the very idea of rating Reagan as one of the worst presidents ever will infuriate his many right-wing acolytes and offend Washington insiders who have made a cottage industry out of buying some protection from Republicans by lauding the 40th President.

But there's a growing realization that the starting point for many of the catastrophes confronting the United States today can be traced to Reagan's presidency. There's also a grudging reassessment that the "failed"- presidents of the 1970s--Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter--may deserve more credit for trying to grapple with the problems that now beset the country."

You guys can believe any bizarre Glenn Beck revisionist history you want. But the facts are in front of your faces.

"Granted, the very idea of rating Reagan as one of the worst presidents ever will infuriate his many right-wing acolytes and offend Washington insiders who have made a cottage industry out of buying some protection from Republicans by lauding the 40th President.

But there's a growing realization that the starting point for many of the catastrophes confronting the United States today can be traced to Reagan's presidency. There's also a grudging reassessment that the "failed"- presidents of the 1970s--Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter--may deserve more credit for trying to grapple with the problems that now beset the country."

Wow Op-ed news. :palm:

You guys can believe any bizarre Glenn Beck revisionist history you want. But the facts are in front of your faces.

"Granted, the very idea of rating Reagan as one of the worst presidents ever will infuriate his many right-wing acolytes and offend Washington insiders who have made a cottage industry out of buying some protection from Republicans by lauding the 40th President.

But there's a growing realization that the starting point for many of the catastrophes confronting the United States today can be traced to Reagan's presidency. There's also a grudging reassessment that the "failed"- presidents of the 1970s--Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter--may deserve more credit for trying to grapple with the problems that now beset the country."

its funny how obsessed the left is with beck, rush, hannity