reagan was too old becuase he suffered from brain degeneration


your family history and personal health are important.

That is why Christy is losing weight no?

NEW YORK — Ronald Reagan's son suggests in a new book that his father suffered from the beginning stages of Alzheimer's disease while he was still in the White House.

The memoir quotes excerpts from Ron Reagan's book "My Father at 100," published by Viking, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA).

Reagan's son writes that he believes his father would have left office before his second term ended in 1989 had the disease been diagnosed then. U.S. News & World Report was the first to break the publishing embargo.

"I've seen no evidence that my father (or anyone else) was aware of his medical condition while he was in office," Reagan writes. "Had the diagnosis been made in, say 1987, would he have stepped down? I believe he would have."

Ronald Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 1994, five years after leaving office. The popular Republican president died in 2004 at age 93 from complications of the disease.
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Quote Originally Posted by Big Money View Post

Yet they joyously line up to boost this raddled old harridan
I looked up "UGLY" in the dictionary and the same picture of the "Wicked Witch Of The West” was there in definition. No wonder Slick “didn’t have sex with that woman,” huh?

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people." (Amendment 10, United States Constitution
Oh now hes changed it to too Ugly to be president.

funny thing is she isn't ugly shes just a older woman.

that is a sin some men just can NEVER forgive.

they think women should just DIE before they "loose their looks"

can you find any stupider people on the planet ?
Was the most over-rated president too!




During Reagan's presidency, the US went from a creditor to debtor! USA, USA, USA?!!

fair enough.

some of my posts lately have been disappearing.

I post them and then a few minutes later they are not there.
Oh looky here; Obama is such a failure, repugnant dimwitted lefttards are having a clueless circle jerk over Reagan. How predictable; how moronic.

Carry on clueless dimwits. Americans would love to have the economy of Reagan's Presidency.