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Senator James Lankford Republican Oklahoma said this-morning on C-Span, that if the United States federal government were actually running a budgetary surplus of 50 billion dollars per-year, and applied it to paying down the national debt, it would take 400 years to pay off the national debt.

Now for the bad news, the federal government’s budget deficit for 2014 was 483 billion dollars nearly 10 times the necessary surplus Senator Lankford reported it would take to pay off the debt over the next 400 years.

Geeze! And here we are with leftist worried about a one degree rise in global temperature over the next 100 yers.

They’re shitting us, right?
I'm still suspicious of Government accounting suggesting that the deficit is miraculously melting away and at only $485 billion in 2014.

In 2012 the deficit was over $1 trillion, then $680 billion in 2013. So in two years they are claiming the deficit has declined by over half a trillion. What happened in 2013 to have such a dastic trend downward for deficit spending?
I'm still suspicious of Government accounting suggesting that the deficit is miraculously melting away and at only $485 billion in 2014.

In 2012 the deficit was over $1 trillion, then $680 billion in 2013. So in two years they are claiming the deficit has declined by over half a trillion. What happened in 2013 to have such a dastic trend downward for deficit spending?

The "sequester" happened. Don't you remember the deal Obama came up with that he tried to bluff the congressional Republicans with? The cuts in defense spending for the cuts in domestic spending across the board. Obama thought the Republicans would fold because of the defense cuts. When they didn't, he blamed the sequester on the Republicans and leftist media made it stick. The military Industrial Complex cried like babies and the socialist are still crying about less loot in their half of the government trough.
The "sequester" happened. Don't you remember the deal Obama came up with that he tried to bluff the congressional Republicans with? The cuts in defense spending for the cuts in domestic spending across the board. Obama thought the Republicans would fold because of the defense cuts. When they didn't, he blamed the sequester on the Republicans and leftist media made it stick. The military Industrial Complex cried like babies and the socialist are still crying about less loot in their half of the government trough.

The sequestration didn't come into effect until March 2013. The effects couldn't be felt that quickly. Again, the deficit had supposedly already declined by $320 billion. With sequestration the budget deficits are declining or projected to increase this year and next.

How was it that the deficit declined by $515 billion in two short years starting in 2012? What happened?

P.S.; Government spending actually increased through these periods from previous years.
here you go fucking lying about cold hard FACTS

you hate this government and say it right out loud all the fucking time
I'm still suspicious of Government accounting suggesting that the deficit is miraculously melting away and at only $485 billion in 2014.

In 2012 the deficit was over $1 trillion, then $680 billion in 2013. So in two years they are claiming the deficit has declined by over half a trillion. What happened in 2013 to have such a dastic trend downward for deficit spending?

Inflation. That was how the debt from WWII was paid off
the republican partys record on the economy is not as good as the dem one you fucking hacks.

why do you keep supporting fucking failed ideas?
Inflation. That was how the debt from WWII was paid off

We are talking about deficits right now, not debt. Debt has continued to dramatically increase as a result of continued half a trillion to trillion dollar deficits during the Obama failed presidency.

My question is; what has occurred to reduce these deficits to half a trillion from over a trillion in two short years?

The Sequester could be a plausible explanation, yet spending continues to super exceed revenue and has been increasing every one of those years. So how does this deficit suddenly evaporate between 2012 and 2013, and again in 2014, to the tune of $515 billion? What programs did Government cut when they continue to spend more than they take in and it increases every year?
So you are saying we have no debt problem?

Let me guess all we have to do is take more money from the rich right?

In Liberal lunatic land, we don't have a spending problem. They also stupidly believe that lower deficits under Republican administrations are more onerous than trillion dollar deficits under Democratic administrations.
dear fucking asshole,

what time period of this country was the best economic times in our history?

debt is a financial tool you fucking shit lipped liar.

Your fucks have a terrible record in practice you fucking fool
The sequestration didn't come into effect until March 2013. The effects couldn't be felt that quickly. Again, the deficit had supposedly already declined by $320 billion. With sequestration the budget deficits are declining or projected to increase this year and next.

How was it that the deficit declined by $515 billion in two short years starting in 2012? What happened?

P.S.; Government spending actually increased through these periods from previous years.

The "SEQUESTER" improved economic conditions and more tax revenues. The American economy moves at a rapid rate.