Reasons why B.Hussein Obama is wrong for America


I dare you to stop us GL
He's different.

His middle name is Hussein. 9-11!!!

His wife is clearly angry and loud. Just look at his kids! They reflect her in everyway!

His wife hates America. I want to go on a lynching party against her like O'Reilly does.

He's a pedophile because he wanted to teach 5 year olds how to protect themselves from child predators. If John McCain said that, it's got to be true!

He only beat Hillary because he's black.

He's an elitist.

He wants to raise taxes on rich people.

He's a terrorist. WILLIAM AIERS!!! HUSSEIN

Obama-Biden or Osama-Bin Laden? (Take out the nLa from Osama and what do you get? BIDEN)

He's ......different.

Now I'm no racist so these reasons prove why B Hussein Obama will enslave the white people when in office.

John McCain approves this message.
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He wants to give "free" health care to everyone in the universe, including Osama Bin Laden and the aliens that keep doing the anal probes on watermark.
He wants to give "free" health care to everyone in the universe, including Osama Bin Laden and the aliens that keep doing the anal probes on watermark.

He wants to give universal healthcare to everyone in the universe. I don't imagine totally free care that no one spent any money on would be great care.
He's different.

His middle name is Hussein. 9-11!!!

His wife is clearly angry and loud. Just look at his kids! They reflect her in everyway!

His wife hates America. I want to go on a lynching party against her like O'Reilly does.

He's a pedophile because he wanted to teach 5 year olds how to protect themselves from child predators. If John McCain said that, it's got to be true!

He only beat Hillary because he's black.

He's an elitist.

He wants to raise taxes on rich people.

He's a terrorist. WILLIAM AIERS!!! HUSSEIN

Obama-Biden or Osama-Bin Laden? (Take out the nLa from Osama and what do you get? BIDEN)

He's ......different.

Now I'm no racist so these reasons prove why B Hussein Obama will enslave the white people when in office.

John McCain approves this message.

Not only dat but he used dem thar big wurds.

and he's kinda skrawny.

He has strange idears too. Like foreigners outa be a threat to our country afore we invades em or rich pepples oughter pay taxes.

Also he's gotten da wrong qualerfications to be President. Hell everyone knows he'd be more suitable as a Yard Jockey a Porch Monkey or maybe even a Trustee at da country jail ifin he wern't so scrawny.