Recently Retired Military Commanders Give Bleak Assessment of Situation in Iraq


Senior Member
Recently Retired Military Commanders Give Bleak Assessment of Situation in Iraq And Call For Immediate Infusion of 60,000 More Troops.
September 26, 2006

Washington, D.C.-Democratic Senators from the Armed Services Committee held a hearing yesterday with three high-level recently retired Military commanders, who indicated that there is a dire need to mobilize the whole country (America) for war and for sixty thousand more troops in Iraq. In addition they asserted that there is a need to change leadership from the top down at the Pentagon. There is a need for the White House to move from rhetoric to support and action that reflects the level of passion expressed in a rhetoric that so far has produced nothing. There is a need to win the war in Iraq and so far the leadership at the Pentagon and the White House has not demonstrated a willingness to give the military the troops or the material to ensure that such a victory will be possible. Not only are they unprepared to fight but they have not equipped the troops to win this confrontation.

These commanders not only said that every major military commander was with them but specifically instructed the Democrats on how to bring current commanders in and what actions were necessary to allow those commanders to speak openly and honestly about the failure at the top of the Bush administration. It was one of the most amazing hearings I have ever listened to on CSpan. They said that the military had basically lost faith in the Administraion and that the military was on the verge of revolt. It was as every Senator there said, from Clinton, to Rockefeller to Schumer and Dorkin, the most amazing testimony they had ever heard.

Each officer testified in turn to the dire condition of the military under Bush. But that was not all. They took issue with his lack of diplomacy even going so far as to quote that line from the Godfather: "Keep you best friend's close and your enemies closer," to show how uninformed Bush's policy of not talking to anyone whom he considers an enemy is. They asserted that we should have an ambassador in Syria, and bemoaned this lack. They said that if the Army returned to America today it would take at least $70B to bring the Military back to the condition it was at before Iraq. It is that broken and battered. It was a stark assessment of the Army, the War, and the President and Rumsfleld's leadership and lack of leadership. The officers said that without exception every major commander in today's military had lost faith in the current civilian leadership.

To say the testimony was damning in the extreme is an understatement.
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What would they know about it Prakoh ? They are only military experts. Politicians of course have the straight story the war ;)
There are always people with a different opinion. Do you support sending 60,000 more troops to Iraq?
seems like the heavy hitters inthe military who are finally out from under the requirements of supporting the chain of command are pointing out what a terrible top of the chain of command we have in place.
Where is the link to your cut and paste?

Wow. My writing is becoming so professional that you think it was cut and paste. I guess in your careful reading of the piece you missed this sentence, "It was one of the most amazing hearings I have ever listened to on CSpan." toby, my main man, you need to get a grip! It's all slipping slowly away from you bud...
This is how you write?? Looks just like a posting for a newspaper.

>>Recently Retired Military Commanders Give Bleak Assessment of Situation in Iraq And Call For Immediate Infusion of 60,000 More Troops.
September 26, 2006

Washington, D.C.-Democratic Senators
This is how you write?? Looks just like a posting for a newspaper.

>>Recently Retired Military Commanders Give Bleak Assessment of Situation in Iraq And Call For Immediate Infusion of 60,000 More Troops.
September 26, 2006

Washington, D.C.-Democratic Senators

It was done intentionally to fake you out toby, my main man, and it did...

It was news, it should look like news. If you think I got it from some newspaper then you should be able to easily find the story at google. So knock yourself out. Come on back if you find anything. Anyone can put a headline, a date and a dateline on anything they write. Didn't you know that! Well, I guess you do now!!!!! You're my main man!!!!! You might want to check with Damocles, I hear he teaches people to read.
It was done intentionally to fake you out toby, my main man, and it did...

It was news, it should look like news. If you think I got it from some newspaper then you should be able to easily find the story at google. So knock yourself out. Come on back if you find anything. Anyone can put a headline, a date and a dateline on anything they write. Didn't you know that! Well, I guess you do now!!!!! You're my main man!!!!! You might want to check with Damocles, I hear he teaches people to read.
Only my daughters, Prakosh...
Only my daughters, Prakosh...

My mistake, I though you said something about phonetics and teaching your cousin or nephew or some relative to read...maybe it was some one else. Looks like you're out of luck toby, my main man...
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Not that big a deal Pra, if you want to use others words I don't mind. Knock yourself out. Sorry you feel need to fake me out.
It was done intentionally to fake you out toby, my main man, and it did...

It was news, it should look like news. If you think I got it from some newspaper then you should be able to easily find the story at google. So knock yourself out. Come on back if you find anything. Anyone can put a headline, a date and a dateline on anything they write. Didn't you know that! Well, I guess you do now!!!!! You're my main man!!!!! You might want to check with Damocles, I hear he teaches people to read.

prakosh....I do not know if you are a "newcomer" to this group, or whether you are a oldtimer with a new handle and a desire for anonymity.... but if you are the former, let me strongly recommend that you use one of the great benefits of this site and put toby on ignore. He is really nothing more than a slanderous disgusting toad who spends his days scouring the internet looking for perversion.... leave him be, would be my suggestion to you. He offers little to no intellectual content and can only serve to annoy. If you are the latter, then I am preaching to the choir