Recommended reading

[ame=""] Ron Brown's Body: How One Man's Death Saved the Clinton Presidency and Hillary's Future: Jack Cashill: Books[/ame]

[ame=""] Bamboozled: How Americans are being Exploited by the Lies of the Liberal Agenda: Angela McGlowan: Books[/ame]
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There are too many n00b's at this site.

The only way to commit suicide would be to vote for America-hater McCain.

Or to shoot yourself in the head with a saturday night special.
Thanks for noticing

The exclusion was intentional. I don't recommend books that promote hate or contain lies. That's why there are no tomes penned by Democrats on my list.
Excerpt: "Clinton betrayed his political allies and ultimately, his country. His strongest supporters were African-Americans, so much so that Mr. Clinton was affectionately referred to by many of them as the “first black president.” The common line that came from black Democratic activists such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson was that “no one did more for the black community” than Mr. Clinton. In fact, the opposite was true: no one did less for them.

He betrayed the African-American community on numerous issues. He signed into law welfare reform—an issue most blacks had opposed for decades; he approved the passage of NAFTA, which resulted in millions of low-wage, blue-collar minorities to lose their jobs to Mexico; he oversaw an artificial economic boom, which we now know was rife with corporate corruption—Enron, Tyco International, WorldCom—and only further widened the income gap between white and black America; he neglected to improve the failing public schools in the inner cities, leaving blacks further behind in an increasingly high-tech, high-skilled global economy; he ordered U.S. troops into Haiti to restore the corrupt and brutal regime of Jean Bertrand Aristide, consigning millions of Haitians to another decade of misery; and most unforgivable of all, he did nothing—absolutely nothing—to stop the genocidal slaughter of nearly one million blacks in Rwanda—despite the urgent pleas from many in the media and the international community.

In other foreign policy issues, Mr. Clinton’s record was even worse. He refused to lift a finger to oppose Russia’s criminal war in Chechnya. This caused the volatile Caucasus to become fertile breeding grounds for Pan-Islamic extremists. In exchange for illegal foreign campaign contributions, his administration sold sensitive weapons technology and missile systems to Beijing. The technology transfers helped to transform communist China into a rising military power—a power that threatens U.S. security interests in the region and that one day in the near future will confront American forces in the Taiwan Strait.

But it was Mr. Clinton’s ineffectual and half-hearted response to Islamic fascism, which will be his most lasting and destructive legacy. Even though Osama bin Laden had declared jihad on the United States; the World Trade Center was bombed in 1993; 19 American soldiers were murdered and dragged through the streets of Mogadishu; U.S. military personnel were killed in 1996 by terrorist attacks on the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia; U.S. embassies in east Africa were savagely bombed in 1998; and the USS Cole was the victim of a suicide terrorist bombing by al Qaeda operatives that took the lives of 17 sailors—Mr. Clinton refused to treat these atrocities for what they were: acts of war.

Instead, he insisted on treating them as a law enforcement matter. His only actions were to authorize the arrests of a handful of al Qaeda agents and order several pinprick air strikes against a pharmaceutical plant in Sudan and an empty terrorist camp in Afghanistan. Otherwise, he did nothing. This only served to embolden Osama bin Laden’s army of hate. Mr. Clinton’s inability to recognize the gathering storm of radical Islam and to act boldly to nip it in the bud was a colossal strategic blunder, one which will haunt the United States for decades to come."
Conservatives tend not to be socialists, like Hitler was...

"National socialist" was a euphamism that Hitler chose basically because it meant nothing. "National" hints to the right, "socialist" hints to the left - but no one would call him a leftist, no one with sense, that is. And conservatives are known primarily for their abundant lack of sense/morals.

But if Hitler was a national socialist, then our modern conservatives are just national corporatists. They're destroying America from the inside, with their complete dictatorship of our policies over the past 40 years. America can't take the conservative rape much longer.
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Should we just take your antipodean word for it, or do some research and find that Hitler did not, in fact "make it up". The party was in existence before he came along - infiltrated as a spy for the German Army - and took over.

Schools in Oz must not be up to much.