Record turnout for the elephants not so much for the donkeys

This is fairly typical. In 2014's mid-term elections, voter turnout was so low that it hadn't been that bad in 72 years.

I think there are a lot of reasons for this, but there are three that come to the top of my mind.

1) Democratic Apathy: It's always struck me that the Democrats generally have a consistently low voter turnout. I think part of this has a lot to do with the fact that Democrats just can't be bothered. It seems that they have a high instance of, "I don't need to vote, someone else will" laziness that constantly lets the opposing party win.

2) Republican Voter Suppression: In 2010/2011, hundreds of bills were introduced into state legislatures that were designed to restrict voting. In 18 states, all led by Republicans, these bills became laws, These laws were targeted to do as much damage to the minority vote as possible. The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School found that following the election of President Obama in 2008, 7 Republican-led states passed laws making it harder to vote. Nine of the states with the highest Hispanic voting populations have also had restrictive laws enacted by Republican-led legislatures. When it comes to voter registration drives, Blacks and Hispanics register through drives at twice the rate of white citizens. The result? Laws in multiple states that restrict registration drives. This is certainly not a comprehensive list of the restrictions enacted to keep minority votes low. So as much as I hate the "race card," it's clearly being played, but it's being played against minorities by Republicans.

3) Voter Disillusionment: Voters of all political views have become disillusioned with the government and its elected officials. We have a legislature paralyzed by Republican obstructionism, an administration fighting back against obstructionist legislators, his own failed policies, and a race to establish a legacy, and a judiciary that instead of ruling objectively often engages in judicial activism. We also have elected officials who are in the pockets of giant corporations and a country that has not, for a very, very long time been a representative democracy (we've been a de facto Oligarchy for decades, now). So voters don't turn out because they don't believe their vote counts. They don't think it will matter.

Maybe this election will change things, but I doubt it.

The fringe Republicans will get Trump in office because the Democrats won't be bothered to vote. That's my prediction.
This is fairly typical. In 2014's mid-term elections, voter turnout was so low that it hadn't been that bad in 72 years.

I think there are a lot of reasons for this, but there are three that come to the top of my mind.

1) Democratic Apathy: It's always struck me that the Democrats generally have a consistently low voter turnout. I think part of this has a lot to do with the fact that Democrats just can't be bothered. It seems that they have a high instance of, "I don't need to vote, someone else will" laziness that constantly lets the opposing party win.

2) Republican Voter Suppression: In 2010/2011, hundreds of bills were introduced into state legislatures that were designed to restrict voting. In 18 states, all led by Republicans, these bills became laws, These laws were targeted to do as much damage to the minority vote as possible. The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School found that following the election of President Obama in 2008, 7 Republican-led states passed laws making it harder to vote. Nine of the states with the highest Hispanic voting populations have also had restrictive laws enacted by Republican-led legislatures. When it comes to voter registration drives, Blacks and Hispanics register through drives at twice the rate of white citizens. The result? Laws in multiple states that restrict registration drives. This is certainly not a comprehensive list of the restrictions enacted to keep minority votes low. So as much as I hate the "race card," it's clearly being played, but it's being played against minorities by Republicans.

3) Voter Disillusionment: Voters of all political views have become disillusioned with the government and its elected officials. We have a legislature paralyzed by Republican obstructionism, an administration fighting back against obstructionist legislators, his own failed policies, and a race to establish a legacy, and a judiciary that instead of ruling objectively often engages in judicial activism. We also have elected officials who are in the pockets of giant corporations and a country that has not, for a very, very long time been a representative democracy (we've been a de facto Oligarchy for decades, now). So voters don't turn out because they don't believe their vote counts. They don't think it will matter.

Maybe this election will change things, but I doubt it.

The fringe Republicans will get Trump in office because the Democrats won't be bothered to vote. That's my prediction.

Voter suppression. LOL
Disillusionment is rampant that's for certain and so wh I ever wants to win will have a new message.
Trump has done this and it's propelling him.high and hard. Sanders sort of has but mainly his last name is not Clinton. As people actually hear his message he's done. Ergo the middle drifting to Trump. Dems are starting to resemble a trainwreck.
Disillusionment is rampant that's for certain and so wh I ever wants to win will have a new message.

Which is an issue when it comes to the message.

Trump's platform consists mainly of "We will build a wall and make the Mexicans pay for it!" but he doesn't answer when people ask, "How?"

The same is essentially true for just about anything he bellows about. He's big on the what but non-existent on the how, and it'll get him far.

And that's not his fault. It's the fault of the people who are listening to the bluster and not thinking about what comes after it. People are whipped into a frenzy, but when the dust settles, just what have they got aside from promises and empty answers?

And that's all today's voters are basing their support on.
That's all the hope n change voters did. And it didn't start there. Political junkies fret about these things but John Q Public does not. They vote wallet and security. Obama poisoned that we'll for the dems ergo the mushy middle shift. Anyone claiming details at this point is a liar or a fool.
This is fairly typical. In 2014's mid-term elections, voter turnout was so low that it hadn't been that bad in 72 years.

I think there are a lot of reasons for this, but there are three that come to the top of my mind.

1) Democratic Apathy: It's always struck me that the Democrats generally have a consistently low voter turnout. I think part of this has a lot to do with the fact that Democrats just can't be bothered. It seems that they have a high instance of, "I don't need to vote, someone else will" laziness that constantly lets the opposing party win.

2) Republican Voter Suppression: In 2010/2011, hundreds of bills were introduced into state legislatures that were designed to restrict voting. In 18 states, all led by Republicans, these bills became laws, These laws were targeted to do as much damage to the minority vote as possible. The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School found that following the election of President Obama in 2008, 7 Republican-led states passed laws making it harder to vote. Nine of the states with the highest Hispanic voting populations have also had restrictive laws enacted by Republican-led legislatures. When it comes to voter registration drives, Blacks and Hispanics register through drives at twice the rate of white citizens. The result? Laws in multiple states that restrict registration drives. This is certainly not a comprehensive list of the restrictions enacted to keep minority votes low. So as much as I hate the "race card," it's clearly being played, but it's being played against minorities by Republicans.

3) Voter Disillusionment: Voters of all political views have become disillusioned with the government and its elected officials. We have a legislature paralyzed by Republican obstructionism, an administration fighting back against obstructionist legislators, his own failed policies, and a race to establish a legacy, and a judiciary that instead of ruling objectively often engages in judicial activism. We also have elected officials who are in the pockets of giant corporations and a country that has not, for a very, very long time been a representative democracy (we've been a de facto Oligarchy for decades, now). So voters don't turn out because they don't believe their vote counts. They don't think it will matter.

Maybe this election will change things, but I doubt it.

The fringe Republicans will get Trump in office because the Democrats won't be bothered to vote. That's my prediction.

Voter suppression? Seriously? That's your excuse?

Personally, I think those Democrats who stayed home are disaffected blue dogs who supported Reagan and can't believe what a shithole this country has turned into. They WILL turn out for Trump.
Voter suppression? Seriously? That's your excuse?

Personally, I think those Democrats who stayed home are disaffected blue dogs who supported Reagan and can't believe what a shithole this country has turned into. They WILL turn out for Trump.

I guess all those voter ID laws impacted all the good white folk of New Hampshire.

Socialists are so funny. What is even funnier is that the socialists think it is ok for them to come out of the closet now. Only a year ago they bristled at the accusation. Now it appears all of JPP lefties are proud socialists.

That is why I never trust the left. They always lie about their true intentions. We should kill all leftists
This is fairly typical. In 2014's mid-term elections, voter turnout was so low that it hadn't been that bad in 72 years.

I think there are a lot of reasons for this, but there are three that come to the top of my mind.

1) Democratic Apathy: It's always struck me that the Democrats generally have a consistently low voter turnout. I think part of this has a lot to do with the fact that Democrats just can't be bothered. It seems that they have a high instance of, "I don't need to vote, someone else will" laziness that constantly lets the opposing party win.

2) Republican Voter Suppression: In 2010/2011, hundreds of bills were introduced into state legislatures that were designed to restrict voting. In 18 states, all led by Republicans, these bills became laws, These laws were targeted to do as much damage to the minority vote as possible. The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School found that following the election of President Obama in 2008, 7 Republican-led states passed laws making it harder to vote. Nine of the states with the highest Hispanic voting populations have also had restrictive laws enacted by Republican-led legislatures. When it comes to voter registration drives, Blacks and Hispanics register through drives at twice the rate of white citizens. The result? Laws in multiple states that restrict registration drives. This is certainly not a comprehensive list of the restrictions enacted to keep minority votes low. So as much as I hate the "race card," it's clearly being played, but it's being played against minorities by Republicans.

3) Voter Disillusionment: Voters of all political views have become disillusioned with the government and its elected officials. We have a legislature paralyzed by Republican obstructionism, an administration fighting back against obstructionist legislators, his own failed policies, and a race to establish a legacy, and a judiciary that instead of ruling objectively often engages in judicial activism. We also have elected officials who are in the pockets of giant corporations and a country that has not, for a very, very long time been a representative democracy (we've been a de facto Oligarchy for decades, now). So voters don't turn out because they don't believe their vote counts. They don't think it will matter.

Maybe this election will change things, but I doubt it.

The fringe Republicans will get Trump in office because the Democrats won't be bothered to vote. That's my prediction.

1) Unless a black person is running for President and certain groups come out in record numbers.

2) Harder to vote? Are blacks and hispanics too damn lazy to do what white people do to register to vote? In my State, voter registration can be mailed in or done on line. You don't have to go anywhere. What you fail to indicate is that the process doesn't involve going anywhere and can be done from home. In addition, ID is required but it can be a photo ID, bank statement, government document, utility bill, etc. showing who you are and where you live. The only one playing the race card is you by making excuses and using race when my State allows multiple ways to register where voter drives aren't needed. On top of that, my State identified over 100,000 that didn't have a valid ID then offered a ride to them to get a free one. 25 took the offer. I guess that's racism in your mind.

3) Funny how you call saying no as being obstruction. Sounds to me as if you think when the President asks, the only answer should be yes. Interesting how he felt because he was told no on immigration it meant he could do it himself despite saying 22 times he had no such authority.

You provide plenty of excuses but no answers.

You say people don't vote because they don't believe their vote counts. How many, give a percentage, do you think could accurately explain the electoral college system? If they can't, how many are willing to do what it takes to learn how it works? Voter apathy is a problem but voter ability is a bigger one.
I guess all those voter ID laws impacted all the good white folk of New Hampshire.

Socialists are so funny. What is even funnier is that the socialists think it is ok for them to come out of the closet now. Only a year ago they bristled at the accusation. Now it appears all of JPP lefties are proud socialists.

That is why I never trust the left. They always lie about their true intentions. We should kill all leftists

JPP lefties will be whatever is politically expedient. Hillary suddenly became black when she started speaking black several years ago.
Which is an issue when it comes to the message.

Trump's platform consists mainly of "We will build a wall and make the Mexicans pay for it!" but he doesn't answer when people ask, "How?"

The same is essentially true for just about anything he bellows about. He's big on the what but non-existent on the how, and it'll get him far.

And that's not his fault. It's the fault of the people who are listening to the bluster and not thinking about what comes after it. People are whipped into a frenzy, but when the dust settles, just what have they got aside from promises and empty answers?

And that's all today's voters are basing their support on.

I guess the mantra of Hope and Change was a detailed plan.