RED ALERT: Flag burning, Paris Hilton, and abortion are intended to distract you


Well-known member
If you want to know what's really going on, turn off Fox News, MSNBC, and all the crap about Paris Hilton, John Edwards haircuts, and the "fight" over abortion. And read the business section of the newspaper. The corporate owners of the cable and network news stations, aren't going to cover this in any detail....because they are benefiting from our ignorance and distraction.

These phony, so-called "free" trade agreements are undermining american's middle class. Jobs are getting outsourced overseas, and companies rove around the planet like a pack of coyotes looking for the cheapest labor.

And this time, its not just about some schmuck at a textile mill in Georgia, or an auto worker in Indiana.

IT jobs, and white collar jobs will get outsourced. Don't think it will have a downward effect on wages and benefits here? think again.....

Trade & Globalization: The Coming Political Earthquake in the Rocky Mountain West

David Sirota

A few months ago, I had the opportunity to ask Bill Gates a question at the International Economic Forum in Butte, Montana after he had just delivered a speech claiming that America’s current free trade policies will benefit the Rocky Mountain region by creating high-paying information sector jobs. I asked Gates why this region should have any realistic hope that this information-based economic utopia could permanently take hold here, when the wage-destroying trade and the H-1B visa policies that he advocated for were creating an incentive for corporations like his to outsource as many jobs as possible to low-wage countries? Gates ended up acknowledging that, in fact, this region shouldn’t have any real hope - and his moment of candor was confirmed this weekend by a little-noticed story in the Denver Post’s business section this weekend that has implications for the American West’s economy and its politics.

Though many political observers cloistered in Washington tend to think of trade as an issue only for Midwestern manufacturing workers or Southern textile workers, the Post’s story reports that “U.S. companies looking to cut costs” are now being “drawn to cheap labor” in Latin America and away from fledgling information economies in the Rocky Mountain West. The story cites a recent Brookings Institution study that reports “demand for cheaper labor poses a threat to the information technology job base in places like Boulder, Denver and Colorado Springs.” Specifically, the study predicts that by 2015, Boulder will lose between 3.1 percent and 4 percent of its information technology jobs, while Denver and Colorado Springs could lose from 2.6 percent to 3 percent of those jobs. And the hemorrhaging looks like it may already be starting. The Denver Business Journal recently reported that Denver lost 1,700 information sector jobs last year alone.

What’s fascinating about this story is the admission of what I will call Free Trade’s Downward Spiral. Today, corporate front groups in Washington and the politicians they buy who push so-called “free” trade tell us that when jobs leave the United States, at least they move to a place where they help poor people earn a better living. But as the Post’s story shows (inadvertently), that is a fable:

“American companies, which rushed to India - a 600-pound gorilla among offshoring destinations - over the past 10 years, are looking elsewhere as wages have risen in that country…The collapse of the peso in 2002 sent Argentine wages plummeting below the level paid in India and helped to attract U.S. business to the South American country.”

As we see, the idea that free trade is designed to lift everyone up is a myth. What really happens is that as soon as more economic benefits begin going to workers in a low-wage country, our free trade policies are used by companies to pick up and head for an even more economically desperate nation, leaving economic destruction in its wake.....snip

More and more folks in the Rocky Mountain West are realizing the harsh realities of the prepackaged free trade fundamentalism spoonfed to us by Republicans and so-called “moderate” Democrats. A 2003 report from the Economic Policy Institute showed that in every Rocky Mountain state other than Nevada, wages in growing industries are substantially lower than in contracting industries. EPI also reports that Colorado alone has seen a net loss of about 40,000 jobs thanks directly to NAFTA and China PNTR. And with many of the states out here trying to diversify their economies from ones based primarily in natural resources to ones with vibrant information technology/services industries, America’s pro-outsourcing trade policies make this region increasingly vulnerable to the same kind of economic devastation that the Midwest and Deep South has experienced in manufacturing and textiles - devastation cheered on by the free trade fundamentalists like billionaire New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman who are held up as deities in Washington, D.C. The trade policy these class warriors push is designed specifically to allow our trading partners to create comparative economic advantages by oppressing workers, busting unions and allowing environmental degradation - advantages that Corporate America is only too happy to use to cut costs through outsourcing jobs.

If you want to know what's really going on, turn off Fox News, MSNBC, and all the crap about Paris Hilton, John Edwards haircuts, and the "fight" over abortion. And read the business section of the newspaper. The corporate owners of the cable and network news stations, aren't going to cover this in any detail....because they are benefiting from our ignorance and distraction.

These phony, so-called "free" trade agreements are undermining american's middle class. Jobs are getting outsourced overseas, and companies rove around the planet like a pack of coyotes looking for the cheapest labor.

And this time, its not just about some schmuck at a textile mill in Georgia, or an auto worker in Indiana.

IT jobs, and white collar jobs will get outsourced. Don't think it will have a downward effect on wages and benefits here? think again.....

Excellent piece.
If you want to know what's really going on, turn off Fox News, MSNBC, and all the crap about Paris Hilton, John Edwards haircuts, and the "fight" over abortion. And read the business section of the newspaper. The corporate owners of the cable and network news stations, aren't going to cover this in any detail....because they are benefiting from our ignorance and distraction.

These phony, so-called "free" trade agreements are undermining american's middle class. Jobs are getting outsourced overseas, and companies rove around the planet like a pack of coyotes looking for the cheapest labor.

And this time, its not just about some schmuck at a textile mill in Georgia, or an auto worker in Indiana.

IT jobs, and white collar jobs will get outsourced. Don't think it will have a downward effect on wages and benefits here? think again.....

To believe that putting up trade barriers and tariffs is going to "protect" our middle class is not reality. Trade is the reason we have the standard of living that we do in the U.S.

Maybe people need to not be distracted by the issues you referenced and actually study up on the benefits of free trade so they aren't thrown off by protectionists like your progressive buddy who wrote the article you posted.
To believe that putting up trade barriers and tariffs is going to "protect" our middle class is not reality. Trade is the reason we have the standard of living that we do in the U.S.

Maybe people need to not be distracted by the issues you referenced and actually study up on the benefits of free trade so they aren't thrown off by protectionists like your progressive buddy who wrote the article you posted.

I never said anything about stopping trade.

I specifically said that these neoliberal "NAFTA-style" agreements, are not serving the long term interests of america.

And there's nothing "free" about NAFTA agreements, cawacko. NAFTA is like a thousand pages long. If you really believed in free trade, you could pass a free trade law with merely a couple of paragraphs: there will be no rules, restrictions, or regulations on the movement of money, capital and labor. That would be "free" trade.

Why do you suppose NAFTA needed a thousand pages, if it was "free" trade? Becasue its not free market trade: it is filled with regulations and rules to protect corporate interests, corporate capital, and restrict the interests of labor.
If you want to know what's really going on, turn off Fox News, MSNBC, and all the crap about Paris Hilton, John Edwards haircuts, and the "fight" over abortion. And read the business section of the newspaper. The corporate owners of the cable and network news stations, aren't going to cover this in any detail....because they are benefiting from our ignorance and distraction.

These phony, so-called "free" trade agreements are undermining american's middle class. Jobs are getting outsourced overseas, and companies rove around the planet like a pack of coyotes looking for the cheapest labor.

And this time, its not just about some schmuck at a textile mill in Georgia, or an auto worker in Indiana.

IT jobs, and white collar jobs will get outsourced. Don't think it will have a downward effect on wages and benefits here? think again.....

Cypress, the reason no one posts it is because it is opinion and not news. False, Lou Dobbish opinion, too. It's posted all over your newspaper if you'd go to the "opinion" section, unless, of course, your happening to read the opinion of anyone who actually knows what they're talking about.
Gee, America's losing jobs that could be done by any schmuck out of high school who was too lazy to go to college, and could reasonably be done by a machine. I'm terrified. ALL OUR COTTON PICKER ARE GONE HOW WILL WE SURVIVE!
"Why do you suppose NAFTA needed a thousand pages, if it was "free" trade? Becasue its not free market trade: it is filled with regulations and rules to protect corporate interests, corporate capital, and restrict the interests of labor."

Because like everything they do.... the politicians made it far more complex than necessary. Similar to the tax code. The tax code could be done with one page. Instead it is so complex that you can't even get IRS agents to agree as to what it says.

Same thing with just about everything they do. That and as you said, they all had to tuck in their little amendments to protect their respective friends.
Gee, America's losing jobs that could be done by any schmuck out of high school who was too lazy to go to college, and could reasonably be done by a machine. I'm terrified. ALL OUR COTTON PICKER ARE GONE HOW WILL WE SURVIVE!

The ignorance on this board is really getting on my nerves today. Maybe I'm pms'ing, but I feel like I'm going to fucking freak out at one of you retards.
The ignorance on this board is really getting on my nerves today. Maybe I'm pms'ing, but I feel like I'm going to fucking freak out at one of you retards.

Well at least you are cranky on an appropriate day. I was cranky on a Friday. NOT GOOD. :clink:
Gee, America's losing jobs that could be done by any schmuck out of high school who was too lazy to go to college, and could reasonably be done by a machine. I'm terrified. ALL OUR COTTON PICKER ARE GONE HOW WILL WE SURVIVE!

that's a very elitist thing to say WM. Not everyone is going to go to college, nor does everyone have affluent parents to support them and send them to college, like you do.
"Why do you suppose NAFTA needed a thousand pages, if it was "free" trade? Becasue its not free market trade: it is filled with regulations and rules to protect corporate interests, corporate capital, and restrict the interests of labor."

Because like everything they do.... the politicians made it far more complex than necessary. Similar to the tax code. The tax code could be done with one page. Instead it is so complex that you can't even get IRS agents to agree as to what it says.

Same thing with just about everything they do. That and as you said, they all had to tuck in their little amendments to protect their respective friends.

I guarantee you , NAFTA didn't grow to 1000 pages long, simply because some legislators inadvertantly got long-winded in writing it. Those rules and regulations are in there for a very specific reason. And it's not because two legislators got in a contest to see who could be more verbose.

They were stuck in there to benefit somebody. You know thats how it works. Who benefited from the hundreds of pages of special rules and regulations? Multinational corporations and big business interests. So, don't even try to call NAFTA "free" trade. There's nothing free about it. It's highly regulated, to benefit certain interests. A true "free market" trade agreement would be about one page long.
I guarantee you , NAFTA didn't grow to 1000 pages long, simply because some legislators inadvertantly got long-winded in writing it. Those rules and regulations are in there for a very specific reason. And it's not because two legislators got in a contest to see who could be more verbose.

They were stuck in there to benefit somebody. You know thats how it works. Who benefited from the hundreds of pages of special rules and regulations? Multinational corporations and big business interests. So, don't even try to call NAFTA "free" trade. There's nothing free about it. It's highly regulated, to benefit certain interests. A true "free market" trade agreement would be about one page long.

Now go back and read what I wrote. I agreed that it was due to them adding all their little amendments to protect their respective friends. That said, it is a much better trade system than the protectionist ways some people seem to want to go back to. Personally I would love to see a one page truly free trade agreement. But as we both know that isn't going to happen.
Now go back and read what I wrote. I agreed that it was due to them adding all their little amendments to protect their respective friends. That said, it is a much better trade system than the protectionist ways some people seem to want to go back to. Personally I would love to see a one page truly free trade agreement. But as we both know that isn't going to happen.

I don't think this is an either/or situation.

I don't think we have to choose between flawed NAFTA-style agreements, or building walls around america. That's a false choice.
then please tell cawacko, watermark, superfreak, and other bush fans to stop yelling at me: "You must be against free trade, you protectionist!" whenever I criticize the flaws of NAFTA ;)
It was SF's contention that NAFTA is not free trade and that free trade would be an improvement on NAFTA.
Now go back and read what I wrote. I agreed that it was due to them adding all their little amendments to protect their respective friends. That said, it is a much better trade system than the protectionist ways some people seem to want to go back to. Personally I would love to see a one page truly free trade agreement. But as we both know that isn't going to happen.
Notice this post? He was specifically pointing out flaws in NAFTA.
yeah, I was just giving SF crap.

But, as you well know, republicans sell NAFTA and CAFTA as "free trade", and scream "Protectionist!" at anyone who points out the flaws of those lame trade agreements.