red brain , blue brain

Figure 1. Republicans and Democrats differ in the neural mechanisms activated while performing a risk-taking task.

Republicans more strongly activate their right amygdala, associated with orienting attention to external cues. Democrats have higher activity in their left posterior insula, associated with perceptions of internal physiological states. This activation also borders the temporal-parietal junction, and therefore may reflect a difference in internal physiological drive as well as the perception of the internal state and drive of others.
Yeah, you're a poster child for intelligence, Deshy.

One intriguing remaining puzzle regards the direction of causality. One might infer that the differing brain structures identified by Kanai et al. suggest genetic foundations for the differences in ideology. However, recent work has shown that changes in cognitive function can lead to changes in brain structure [50], [51]. For instance, applicants who worked to learn the map of London in order to pass a knowledge test required of potential cab drivers demonstrated significant growth in their hippocampus, a brain region related to memory formation [52].
Our environment is increasingly viewed as shaping our very existence and thought patterns. So, when the right say, ' liberals are brainwashing our children', this provides some evidence of that. And when gays say, ' I was born that way,' its more nonsense. :D

But enough about my agenda. This is a good link Desh. Did I just hear hell freeze over?
Our environment is increasingly viewed as shaping our very existence and thought patterns. So, when the right say, ' liberals are brainwashing our children', this provides some evidence of that. And when gays say, ' I was born that way,' its more nonsense. But enough about my agenda. This is a good link Desh. Did I just hear hell freeze over?

Do you think she even read beyond the headline?
Figure 1. Republicans and Democrats differ in the neural mechanisms activated while performing a risk-taking task.

Republicans more strongly activate their right amygdala, associated with orienting attention to external cues. Democrats have higher activity in their left posterior insula, associated with perceptions of internal physiological states. This activation also borders the temporal-parietal junction, and therefore may reflect a difference in internal physiological drive as well as the perception of the internal state and drive of others.

So liberals are driven by their psychosis!!
Good to know.
Our environment is increasingly viewed as shaping our very existence and thought patterns. So, when the right say, ' liberals are brainwashing our children', this provides some evidence of that. And when gays say, ' I was born that way,' its more nonsense. :D

But enough about my agenda. This is a good link Desh. Did I just hear hell freeze over?

I think you're going to have a rude awakening about your gay comment, probably sooner rather than later.
Find me a gene (or series of genes) that makes you ghey 100% of the time.

Own up to your actions. If you want gays to be treated in all regards equal let start by being honest. You choose to be gay, that's great.