Redeployment of U.S. Troops


"Cypress you motherfucking whore!"
Tragic. Redeployment of troops to Iraqi-Kurdistan, Kuwait, Qatar, etc. is the only prudent option:

-DIXIE, June 15, 2006: "This hit pinheads so hard, even the fringe moderate pinheads were devistated! Zarqawi’s death spells the end for al Qaeda in Iraq! There have been dozens of captures and arrests made since the discovery of the documents, we frikin hit the mother-load on information, and the "insurgency" is about to meet its demise! Another bad day for Pinheads!"

-August 28, 2006: "Iraq Violence Claims 48; Eight US Soldiers Killed Over Weekend"
And I believe I read that some of the captured computer data got wiped out by the military. One has to wonder why....error or on purpose, and if on purpose, why ?

These are the longest final throes I have ever heard of.
And I believe I read that some of the captured computer data got wiped out by the military. One has to wonder why....error or on purpose, and if on purpose, why ?

These are the longest final throes I have ever heard of.

Probably showed links between Zarqawi and our "friends" in the Saudi and Iraqi governments.
And I believe I read that some of the captured computer data got wiped out by the military. One has to wonder why....error or on purpose, and if on purpose, why ?

These are the longest final throes I have ever heard of.

Hehe, that would be really funny if I didn't have a couple of nephews still over there.....or if so many others didn't have so many loved ones still over there. These "catch phrases" are really getting old. Why don't they tell it like it is because we can sure see how it really is. Some politician needs to say, "It's going to be a long, long time, if ever, for us to be successfull in Iraq." That's the truth of the matter.
I think if you hang upside down long enough political babble starts making sense right before you pass out.