Reduce the trade deficit; increase GDP & median wage


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Reduce the trade deficit; increase GDP & median wage.
Warren Buffett’s concept to significantly reduce USA’s trade deficit.

It is not our global trade but our trade deficits’ that are a significant net detriment to our economy. Trade deficits’ amount of detriment to their nations’ GDPs are significantly larger than the deficits themselves.

I’m a proponent of a proposal to reduce USA’s trade deficit of goods that was first introduced to the Senate in 2006. This simple concept is not simplistic and is worthy of consideration.

The basic concept is for exporters who choose to pay the federal fees to acquire transferable IMPORT Certificates for the assessed value of their goods leaving the USA. Importers would be required to surrender IMPORT Certificates for the assessed value of their goods entering the USA. Surrendered certificates are cancelled.

This trade policy would significantly decrease USA’s trade deficit of goods and increase the aggregate sum of USA’s imports plus exports. It can be drafted to be completely self funding. It would not require any additional federal spending, taxes or debt and it effectively acts as an export subsidy.

The version of this trade policy I advocate would exclude values of specifically listed scarce or precious minerals integral to goods from goods assessed values.

Wage earning families benefit from cheaper imported goods but every day of every year they’re dependent upon their U.S. wages. Regardless of how small the additions to imports’ prices due to Import Certificates, (unlike tariffs) USA’s assessed imports could never exceed that of our exports. U.S. wage earners can have cheap (but not the absolute cheapest) imported goods. We cannot afford the absolute cheapest.

Google: Wikipedia, import certificates
Respectfully, Supposn
Nations’ trade deficits are detrimental to their gross domestic products, (GDPs).

Rather than simply rehashing the problem, I’m a proponent of a significant remedy to alleviate our losses of U.S. industries and jobs.
Respectfully, Supposn

Excerpted from the first message of “Where America’s jobs went”, posted by BFGRN on July 27, 2011:

In a globalized economy, American corporations are rapidly shifting their workforces abroad
An employee in Ford's mexico-based
factory works on a car; The U.S.
automaker's international expansion has
caused a 16 percent drop in it's
American-employed workforce.
Reduce the trade deficit; increase GDP & median wage.
Warren Buffett’s concept to significantly reduce USA’s trade deficit.

It is not our global trade but our trade deficits’ that are a significant net detriment to our economy. Trade deficits’ amount of detriment to their nations’ GDPs are significantly larger than the deficits themselves.

I’m a proponent of a proposal to reduce USA’s trade deficit of goods that was first introduced to the Senate in 2006. This simple concept is not simplistic and is worthy of consideration.

The basic concept is for exporters who choose to pay the federal fees to acquire transferable IMPORT Certificates for the assessed value of their goods leaving the USA. Importers would be required to surrender IMPORT Certificates for the assessed value of their goods entering the USA. Surrendered certificates are cancelled.

This trade policy would significantly decrease USA’s trade deficit of goods and increase the aggregate sum of USA’s imports plus exports. It can be drafted to be completely self funding. It would not require any additional federal spending, taxes or debt and it effectively acts as an export subsidy.

The version of this trade policy I advocate would exclude values of specifically listed scarce or precious minerals integral to goods from goods assessed values.

Wage earning families benefit from cheaper imported goods but every day of every year they’re dependent upon their U.S. wages. Regardless of how small the additions to imports’ prices due to Import Certificates, (unlike tariffs) USA’s assessed imports could never exceed that of our exports. U.S. wage earners can have cheap (but not the absolute cheapest) imported goods. We cannot afford the absolute cheapest.

Google: Wikipedia, import certificates
Respectfully, Supposn
Naaaaa, that just makes to much sense and would benefit far to many people to ever expect that our dysfunctional congress would ever approve such a measure.
OH I thought you were going to suggest we drill the trillions of barrells we have made a political football.

I like this idea better. It's affective, it does not violate our trade agreement. It does not require any new tarrifs and is revenue neutral and it doesn't really do anything to improve your portfolio. BRILLIANT! ;)
I'm not saying dems don't know they are keeping oil prices high. I'm just saying I don't want to see how many own shares of Exxon. that is all

OH I thought you were going to suggest we drill the trillions of barrells we have made a political football.

Dude, Trade deficits detriment to USA’s GDP is accounted for in dollars but its major harm is due to lost industries and jobs; it’s not a cash flow problem.

The trade proposal I advocate excludes the values of listed scarce or precious minerals integral to goods being assessed. The assessments are adjusted to exclude the value of product’s crude oil manufacturing ingredients.

USA’s energy policy is a separate issue. Including the values of scarce and precious minerals within this proposal would provide little economic benefits but would be of net political and economic detriment to our nation.

After excluding those minerals our remaining trade deficit of goods is approximately a half trillion dollars annually.

Refer to the topic of “Trade deficits are always detrimental to a nation’s GDP”
or Google wikipedia: Import Cerficates, trade deficit.

Respectfully, Supposn
The largest component of our trade deficit is oil. We import about $250B in oil each year (obviously that goes up with rising oil prices). things we can do to drastically reduce this....

1) strengthen the dollar (which also reduces the amount spent on other foreign goods)
2) drill our own oil
3) convert our transportation system over to nat gas

The largest component of our trade deficit is oil. We import about $250B in oil each year (obviously that goes up with rising oil prices). things we can do to drastically reduce this....

1) strengthen the dollar (which also reduces the amount spent on other foreign goods)
2) drill our own oil
3) convert our transportation system over to nat gas

Superfreak, Buffett wrote of this concept to reduce our trade deficit in order to increase our GDP and strengthen the U.S. dollar. I believe his concepts greater economic benefit would be its affect upon our aggregate wages.

USA’s annual global trade deficits are expressed in U.S. dollars but their primary economic harm is not cash-flow. Trade deficits cause the losses of domestic industries and wages.

The Import Certificate proposal adjusts goods assessments to exclude scarce or precious minerals. To do otherwise would be contra-productive to the trade proposal’s purpose.

The trade proposal offers no remedies for our energy issues. the issues of carbon fuels require their own separate remedies.

Respectfully, Supposn