Refugees paid $25 billion in US taxes in 2019: report

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Well-settled refugee communities in the United States punch above their weight economically, outpacing the national average on household income and entrepreneurship, according to a new report by the American Immigration Council.

Household income for refugees rises dramatically the more time they spend in the United States, according to the report.

On average, refugee households who have been in the United States five years or less earn around $30,500 per year, but after 20 years in the country that figure jumps to $71,400, $4,300 above the national median income.

Using the 2.4 million respondents as a sample for the about 3.5 million refugees in the United States, the researchers found that the sample group earned about $93.6 billion in household income in 2019.

The group also paid $25 billion in taxes and had nearly $70 billion left over as disposable income.

“The findings are clear: refugees pay billions of dollars in taxes annually and demonstrate a remarkable entrepreneurial spirit, with high rates of business ownership, citizenship attainment, and homeownership,” said Nan Wu, research director of the American Immigration Council.