Reid begs GOP to cover up Obamas' failure

Big Money

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Taxpayers asked to bail out Democrats again

Harry Reid laid out Senate Democrats’ plans in 2014, starting by extending unemployment benefits.

The Nevada Democrat has put emergency unemployment compensation, which expired on Dec. 28, at the top of the agenda when lawmakers return on Monday. “It’s the right thing to do. We have long-term unemployment.".

Why do we have long-term unemployment, Dirty Harry?
The question is twofold:

1. How do the Democrats intend to PAY for extending benefits?

2. Is the need for extended benefits an admission that Obama failed to create jobs?
Why do we have long-term unemployment, Dirty Harry?

Because we followed the trickle-down economic plans of the Republicon party for the last 30 yrs. Because by the end of Bush's reign there was an economic collapse. Because outsourcing didn't 'lift all boats' like Faux 'news' told you and the war didn't 'pay for itself'. Because cheap labor and worker insecurity is a core belief of conservatives. Because we've had an insane obstructionist House. Because short term profits and international investors trump Americans. Because you believe society = socialism. Because Republicans deliberately crashed the US economy.

Be it ideology or stratagem, the GOP has blocked pro-growth policy and backed job-killing austerity – all while blaming Obama

Republicans are so intent on defeating President Obama for re-election that they are purposely sabotaging the country's economic recovery.

Republicans have opposed a lion's share of stimulus measures that once they supported, such as a payroll tax break, which they grudgingly embraced earlier this year. Even unemployment insurance, a relatively uncontroversial tool for helping those in an economic downturn, has been consistently held up by Republicans or used as a bargaining chip for more tax cuts. Ten years ago, prominent conservatives were loudly making the case for fiscal stimulus to get the economy going; today, they treat such ideas like they're the plague.

Because you were for it before you were against it.
Didn't Obama promise to heal the planet, halt the rise of oceans, create jobs, etc.?

So he can't/didn't and it's the GOPs' fault?

How come your Messiah didn't know that when he was making his promises?
Obama Has Created 863K Jobs in 2010, More Than Double Average Annual Creation under Bush

President Obama has been called a job-killer and worse. But in his over four years in office, Obama has already presided over the net creation of more American jobs than did his predecessor, George W. Bush, in his eight in the White House. That's the conclusion of a new analysis released Tuesday by, the nonpartisan voter advocacy website.

The data on Obama's and Bush's job creation records are culled from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the data arm of the U.S. Department of Labor. Factcheck described the comparative jobs data as follows:

By the time of Obama's second inaugural in January, the economy had added a net total of 1,208,000 jobs since he was first sworn in four years earlier, according to current figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That beats George W. Bush's eight-year total of 1,083,000. And so far, Obama is extending his lead over Bush in job creation. Counting the jobs added in February, Obama's job creation total now stands at a net gain of more than 1.5 million.

Where Have the Obama Jobs Come From?
Nonpartisan reports have credited the much-debated Obama stimulus package with the creation of jobs.

Are you stoned or just stupid? Maybe a little wake-n-bake today?

Face it, debating in favor of your party is a losing venture.
You got nothing except grade school responses and this isn't the playground at recess.
Why do you continue to ask stupid questions?

Unhappy Anniversary: Republicans Have Blocked The American Jobs Act For One Year
On September 8, 2011 — one year ago tomorrow — President Obama laid out a series of policy proposals known collectively as the American Jobs Act. The plan included stimulus spending in the form of immediate infrastructure investments, tax credits for working Americans and employers to encourage consumer spending and job growth, and efforts to shore up state and local budgets to prevent further layoffs of teachers, firefighters, police officers, and other public safety officials.
The American Jobs Act never became law, however, because Republicans opposed it from the start, blasting it as another form of “failed stimulus” that wouldn’t help the economy. (They ignored the fact that the first “failed stimulus,” the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, wasn’t a failure at all.) One month later, the GOP blocked the bill in the Senate, preventing the creation of more than a million jobs and the added growth that multiple economists predicted would occur if the bill passed:
–Moody’s Analytics estimated the American Jobs Act would create 1.9 million jobs and add two percent to gross domestic product.
–The Economic Policy Institute estimated it would create 2.6 million jobs and protect an addition 1.6 million existing jobs.
–Macroeconomic Advisers predicted it would create 2.1 million jobs and boost GDP by 1.5 percent.
–Goldman Sachs estimated it would add 1.5 percent to GDP.

What plan have conservatives come up with that would create jobs?
Please supply a link.
Maybe next time you'll ban me along with the others and you 'conservatives' can have your circle jerk.
So his failures are all the Republicans' fault?

Didn't Obama have Democrat majorities in Congress after he was elected?

Where are the jobs he created then?

Did he promise to create jobs knowing he couldn't deliver?

Why do we need extended unemployment?
maybe because we keep giving people money to not work?......

Maybe because the core belief in Republican philosophy is cheap labor. Maybe because Ross Perot was correct? Maybe because our manufacturing base has been moved to Communist China by Bush's base? Maybe because of traitorous acts by the Koch brothers toadies in Congress? Maybe all of the above and more.

Please try to grow a brain.
Can anyone explain how Obama has been successful in creating jobs and prosperity and failed because of the evil the same time?