Religion sucks.


New member
There are many reasons why. Let's see how many I can recall right now. First, religions give people a platform from which to convince themselves of lies. So they don't have to take responsibility for whatever they might do. They can just say "It's god's will" and leave it at that. Also, oppressors use religion as a way of controlling others for their own gain. Just like the leaders of any cult. They will prey on your emotions to gain control of you. Once they have done that, anything can happen. And at one point or another in any religion-cult, "anything" has happened. Sometimes frequently.

Also, throughout history there have been many religions. And all of them are different to varying degrees. You would think that if there was some actual "god" in control of things, all of those different religions would have gotten the same message. But they didn't. Also, though all religions suck, I will speak of christainity. Because I am most familiar with it. I have read the bible. And there isn't a single thing in the whole thing that is true. That is as far as the sciences are concerned. It was completely wrong about how life arose on this planet. And it didn't say a thing that was correct about geography. It didn't even mention anything about the lands of the Western Hemisphere. Which is about half the planet! Neither did say anything about geology that was correct. Neither did it mention anything about physics, mathematics, genetics, mocroorganisims or electricity. And anything it had to say about astronomy was a joke. I don't think they even knew what stars were. Basically it, like any other religion, is a religion for cave men.

Humanities dumbest, mass market invention.

To actually put faith in fictitious gods.
With no scientific evidence that ANY of them, EVER existed.
Or that any of these 'God Club Manuals' are not almost complete, made-up nonsense.

I have said it for years - all major religions are for the weak and/or the ignorant and/or the desperate.

Humanities dumbest, mass market invention.

To actually put faith in fictitious gods.
With no scientific evidence that ANY of them, EVER existed.
Or that any of these 'God Club Manuals' are not almost complete, made-up nonsense.

I have said it for years - all major religions are for the weak and/or the ignorant and/or the desperate.

For many people, when they don't have the answers, they just make them up. I wish I could say that it is just a human waste of time. But it could be possible that even some animals might worship in their own way. Decades ago I was watching a nature show. It could have been something produced by Disney or mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom. In one episode, explorers out in the jungles somewhere filmed a creature sitting on a branch that was something like a cross between a monkey and a lemur. You could tell it was looking at the person filming it. As it sat on its hind legs, it took its two front paws held together and moved them forward toward the cameraman. These paws swung down and then were pulled back towards its body. Then it moved them out again in the same circular manner. After doing this a few times, it bowed down. Then it repeated the process. To me, it looked very much like it was showing the humans worship.

I joined a zoological forum once. I told the members there all this and asked if anybody had heard about such a creature and those kinds of movements it made. Nobody had an answer. But I saw it. Though if there was any creature out there that worshiped humans, it was probably made extinct by them since then. Also, I could see why people wouldn't want to discuss such a creature. Or teach of its existence. Because could imagine how it would denigrate human religion if it was found that even lowly animals worshiped?