religious based anti war protest results in arrests of ministers.


Villified User
Peaceful Iraq war protests prompt 71 arrests
POSTED: 8:30 p.m. EDT, September 26, 2006
From Lisa Goddard

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Two Presbyterian ministers were among 71 people arrested during a series of peaceful protests against the Iraq war Tuesday, said a spokeswoman for a group participating in the protests.

Demonstrators held sit-ins, prayer services and sing-alongs at four locations in the Capitol complex, including the central atrium of the Senate Hart Office Building.

for source goto:
and 15 were charged with demonstrating without a permit.


You need a fucking permit to demonstrate. I didn't know the first amendment required getting signed papers first.
and 15 were charged with demonstrating without a permit.


You need a fucking permit to demonstrate. I didn't know the first amendment required getting signed papers first.

Many cities adopted the 'permit' concept as a means of containing KKK and Neo-Nazi rallies.
Many cities adopted the 'permit' concept as a means of containing KKK and Neo-Nazi rallies.

Yep and now its used to stifle mainstream political speech.

t also helps with the "block the street" types of protest.

That should be a separte law obviously you can't block the street. That doesn't mean you need a permit to demonstrate unless you planned to actually block the street.
Many cities adopted the 'permit' concept as a means of containing KKK and Neo-Nazi rallies.

Yep and now its used to stifle mainstream political speech.

t also helps with the "block the street" types of protest.

That should be a separte law obviously you can't block the street. That doesn't mean you need a permit to demonstrate unless you planned to actually block the street.
Right, usually they call them parade permits for the block the street thing. However, the permits also ensure that the MLK "Marade" does not clash with the KKK protest at the State Capital... etc.
Everytime UK has a basketball game in Lexington, they block streets off and such, I don't think they get permits.....

Liberal ministers, who woulda thunk it ?
As usual its written like a bunch of innocent protestors are arrested. They are all charged with something. If they were blocking access to a building or a street then they were arrested. If they were assaulting people they were arrested. If they failed to disperse after being told to do so they were arrested.

Most will be taken in, booked and released with a court date. they will get a fine and go on their way. Aggitators and any that got physical will be held for bond and appear for charges.

But the point of the story is to show the poor protestors being arrested.
I'd be curious to see under what ground some were charged with demonstration without a permit. Unless they were blocking the road that is bullshit.
read the link it fills in some of the holes you asked about IHG. Just the usual stuff, crossing picket line, no premit.

I think the main theing here is that it was a relligious based protest, I thought Bush had the churches cinched down ?
No USC I read it I saw the ones that were specific like crossing a police line or unlawful demonstration in a building. I can understand those.

and 15 were charged with demonstrating without a permit.

This is the one that gives me pause. It seems like well we don't have anything specific to arrest you for but we still want to arrest you so we'll charge you with this.
Ahh back in the old days of our country anyone could walk into the capitol and chat with the president....
Well between his vacations and politicking for his party lately, not much. But rove has the capitol under control :)