Remember color coded threat levels? or Political threat levels?


Well-known member
MSNBC showed this great timeline last night of the threat level bouncing up and down and how it correlated with any bad news regarding the administration.

And the last time they raised them, how Tom Ridge refused to participitate and refused to comment, then how the officials on the ground admited it was based in inaccurate and debunked information all along.
Propaganda at its best.

The story of this admin will keep historians busy for years to come. I really wish more Americans would have caught on at the time.

I just cant believe how many truely foolish people are still arround who get upset if you point out any of the reems of evidence that this admin and the current republicorp party have cooked up to rob the people of tax dollars.
I don't think they worked past the first month anyway. Nobody could comprehend the colors without a dissortation each time it changed from brown to green or whatever.
They did work for many months.

People thought they were constantly under threat of attack. It was really pathetic.
Apparently the color alerts still exist. I was in the Roanoake airport a few weeks ago and the sign said Orange Alert level...
They just quit working for political purposes.
Blatently trying to frighten people for political reasons. Does anyone deny that they did this? Why are there not more reprocusssions for such activity?
I want justice, that threat level thing really makes me mad. How can the guy still garner 30% support?
I want justice, that threat level thing really makes me mad. How can the guy still garner 30% support?
Faux Outrage level puce has been reached! Woop Woop Woop! Puce has been reached!

Had this been actual outrage, you would have seen actual anger.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.