Remember the Good Times?


New member
Hey, out there, remember the GOOD old days? Doesn't it make you Nostalgic, to reminisce about the Glory Days?? When you were spitting on, and burning the Flag? Remember? Wasn't it FUN? When you went to the Weathermen Underground, and Black Panther Terrorist Meetings, and Declared WAR on America, with the guys carrying BOMBS and Machine Guns? When you spoke with GLEE, like Bernadine Dohrn, about how the "Manson Gang BUTCHERED those "pigs"(pregnant Sharon Tate, Abigail Folger and others, then STUCK FORKS IN THEIR BELLIES"! Remember? When your circle of friends fantasized the plans for Murdering the President of the United States, Richard Nixon, about Bombing the White House? Wasn't that fun?

Remember when you all used to gather together, with your barefoot, smelly, dope-head hippie friends, and sing the Soviet National Anthem, and Celebrate May Day, and giving College Speeches about the Soviet Utopia, the Workers Paradise?

You know, like they had in the Bread Lines of Moscow, the Poverty of Peiking and Havana, the Secret Police who would Round up and Torture their OWN citizens, for criticizing The Ultimate Leader, whether it was Chairman Mao, Kruchev, or Fidel, you know, the Torture of MILLIONS, in ALL Socialist States. Wait-what's that? Your freinds DIDN'T discuss the Secret Police, the TORTURE AND BEATINGS that always come from Socialism, because a Small Group of Men always become CORRUPT, and must keep their FOOT on people's NECKS, to keep them in a Captive System of Socialism? Y'know, the parts of Socialism 60's dirty hippie drugged-up Liberals DIDN'T talk about?

Let's turn back the clock! Let's go BACK, to those Glory Days of Flag Burning, Spitting, Talk of Socialist Overthrow of the Government by Weathermen and Black Panthers, and BOMBING OF GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS!

C'mon, Libs! In the Great Spirit of the May Day Celebration, Worker's Paradise, those nasty Bourgeois Capitalist Decadents! Let's raise a TOAST to the Greta Vladimir Lenin, or at least John Lennon, and Karl Marx, the REAL Spiritual Father of Barack Obama!