Remember this Dixie?


Well-known member
Remember this Dixie?

DIXIE, June 15, 2006: "Zarqawi's death spells the end for alQaeda in Iraq. There have been dozens of captures and arrests made since the discovery of the documents, we frikin hit the mother-load on information, and the "insurgency" is about to meet its demise! Another bad day for Pinheads!"
There are so many here who have been so wrong for so many years.

When will they begin to questions their train of thought?
I'm not sure if its a matter of questioning their train of thought.

I just cannot fathom why people believe the politicians.

They have all lied to us. They have all screwed us over. What on earth makes people think the next batch will be so different? And what makes people believe our leaders when there is proof of their lies?

The last "honest" president was probably Harry Truman, but I don't know that much about him so I could be wrong there too.

Two quotes from Teddy Roosevelt when he was still the Gov of NY.

"We can afford to differ on the currency, the tariff, and foreign policy; but we cannot afford to differ on the question of honesty if we expect our republic permanently to endure ...

"Honesty is not so much a credit as an absolute prerequisite to efficient service to the public. Unless a man is honest, we have no right to keep him in public life; it matters not how brilliant his capacity
It has been the Republicans who have lied to us this time arround.

I love it how when they Democrats fuck up its the democrats fault and when the republicans fuck up its all politicains who are at fault.
It has been the Republicans who have lied to us this time arround.

I love it how when they Democrats fuck up its the democrats fault and when the republicans fuck up its all politicains who are at fault.
That rocks! Woot! It's all your fault!
I didn't place blame on any party. I mistrust them all.

I am not a follower of any particular political party. I have beliefs that are both conservative and liber, so neither of the two main parties represents me.

Politicians from BOTH parties have lied to us and screwed us over.
Damo when this level of bullshit hits the fan it pales in comparison to anything anyone alive has ever done.

To blame everyone (including the people who have been voting the opposite of this insanity) is shear folly.

The ONLY hope we have to wrestle any of our power back from these assholes is to give the country to someone like Obama. Saying "oh its all of them" is saying well you can go ahead and vote McCain because they all smell.

McCain is the guy who will continue the same bullshit and make it worse. Hes campaigning right now with him. He will continue all the failed policies. Obama will not and he is the last chance this country has to escape this madness so I really get pissed when hes is thrown in the toilet with these assholes
Damo when this level of bullshit hits the fan it pales in comparison to anything anyone alive has ever done.

To blame everyone (including the people who have been voting the opposite of this insanity) is shear folly.

The ONLY hope we have to wrestle any of our power back from these assholes is to give the country to someone like Obama. Saying "oh its all of them" is saying well you can go ahead and vote McCain because they all smell.

McCain is the guy who will continue the same bullshit and make it worse. Hes campaigning right now with him. He will continue all the failed policies. Obama will not and he is the last chance this country has to escape this madness so I really get pissed when hes is thrown in the toilet with these assholes
Shh... I hear it is all your fault. Now, it's okay. We'll forgive you. ;)
Damo when this level of bullshit hits the fan it pales in comparison to anything anyone alive has ever done.

To blame everyone (including the people who have been voting the opposite of this insanity) is shear folly.

The ONLY hope we have to wrestle any of our power back from these assholes is to give the country to someone like Obama. Saying "oh its all of them" is saying well you can go ahead and vote McCain because they all smell.

McCain is the guy who will continue the same bullshit and make it worse. Hes campaigning right now with him. He will continue all the failed policies. Obama will not and he is the last chance this country has to escape this madness so I really get pissed when hes is thrown in the toilet with these assholes

You want to "give Obama the country"? What happened to speaking truth to power?
Its the fault of apologist like Dixie who either will never acknoledge truth, or failed to do so for so long that irreperable harm took place.

come on Dix, stop ignoring your past... Tell us what you think about your former statements...

Ohhh, and what were you saying about liberals being name callers?>
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