Remember this when you vote next November

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Both parties are guilty of sending our Industrial base over seas in a rush to the bottom to exploit cheap labor. Republicans more so then Democrats but both are guilty. Politicians need to hear it loud and clear that those politicians who send our jobs over seas will soon be unemployed. This is the main reason I'm voting against Rob Portman and John Kasich in Ohio's elections because they have been actively involved in selling America's workers out, though don't get me wrong, there's plenty of Dems to blame to and their not getting my vote either.
Mott, I hate to break it to you, but Congress doesn't "send" anyone anywhere! You act as if, politicians (mostly republicans) are up there wheeling and dealing our industrial base away! That's not reality-based, dude. We don't live in a Fascist Totalitarian state, where the government decides what industries do... not yet, at least. Most industry has moved overseas because of labor unions in the US, driving up the cost of production. Now, which party has the most labor union influence? I'll give you a hint, it ain't the republicans!

For the last decade, we have become accustomed to the democrat mantra: "tax cuts for the rich" ...waging an all-out war on "the rich" who you are able to generate enormous jealousy against, by selfish people who can't think past the head of their dick. These "rich people" you keep wanting to tax to death, are the people who own the industrial machine! The longer you wage war against them, making them the enemy, making them the focus of your envy and jealousy, the more you are pushing industrial jobs away from America and to overseas markets.
If you want to apportion blame between the parties for the outsourcing phenomenon, remember to look at those factors, controlled by government, which helped to create a domestic business environment that made going elsewhere attractive to U.S. businesses.

And let's not forget society itself, carrying around the insupportable attitude that we somehow deserve ginormous houses with 3-car garages (filled), 5 week vacations in the family cruiser, all before we hit 30. As a society we are born with silver spoons in our mouths, and bitch they aren't gold plated. We demand high wages, AND low prices. Government tries to give us both, and both end up failing.
You trust someone with your car. He runs it into the ditch. While you're trying to get it fixed he wants to borrow it again. There are a lot of stupid people in this country who would give him the keys.
You trust someone with your car. He runs it into the ditch. While you're trying to get it fixed he wants to borrow it again. There are a lot of stupid people in this country who would give him the keys.

which is why we are running the moderate republicans out and replacing them with TEA partiers.
Mott, I hate to break it to you, but Congress doesn't "send" anyone anywhere! You act as if, politicians (mostly republicans) are up there wheeling and dealing our industrial base away! That's not reality-based, dude. We don't live in a Fascist Totalitarian state, where the government decides what industries do... not yet, at least. Most industry has moved overseas because of labor unions in the US, driving up the cost of production. Now, which party has the most labor union influence? I'll give you a hint, it ain't the republicans!

For the last decade, we have become accustomed to the democrat mantra: "tax cuts for the rich" ...waging an all-out war on "the rich" who you are able to generate enormous jealousy against, by selfish people who can't think past the head of their dick. These "rich people" you keep wanting to tax to death, are the people who own the industrial machine! The longer you wage war against them, making them the enemy, making them the focus of your envy and jealousy, the more you are pushing industrial jobs away from America and to overseas markets.

Wrong dixie. The government is allowed to make trade treaties for a reason.

They are wheeling and dealing our jobs away.

They just spent TAXPAYER MONEY to train Indian programmers as part of the stimulus.

You need to redo your brain and re-patriotize your globalist tumors.
If you want to apportion blame between the parties for the outsourcing phenomenon, remember to look at those factors, controlled by government, which helped to create a domestic business environment that made going elsewhere attractive to U.S. businesses.

And let's not forget society itself, carrying around the insupportable attitude that we somehow deserve ginormous houses with 3-car garages (filled), 5 week vacations in the family cruiser, all before we hit 30. As a society we are born with silver spoons in our mouths, and bitch they aren't gold plated. We demand high wages, AND low prices. Government tries to give us both, and both end up failing.

The government is supposed to make trade agreements which are advantageous for the people, not that destroy the middle class.

Taxes are a factor, but cheap slave labor is a bigger factor.

We should not be incentivizing slave labor with this race to the bottom, america destroying idiocy. surely you understand and agree with these points.
Yea....and we saw where your reactionary wingnuts got us. Knee deep in a shit hole that's going to take us years to dig out of. We owe that all to you wingnuts. Thanks a fucking lot!
So much for the facade of being willing to blame both sides of the aisle.

Fact is this hole we are in was started a lot longer ago than the past decade and has been pretty much equally supported by democrats and republicans. The credit economy was begun right after the WWI post war depression started to be felt, and we have been in a credit economy, with the resultant instabilities and up-down cycles ever since. Down cycles are caused when credit reaches its limit under current restraints. This time it was focussed in the housing industry. We over extended housing credit to create an artificial economic bubble around housing and construction. When the overextension resulted in mass defaults, the bubble popped (as do all artificially inflated economic bubbles) and we hit a crisis. But, severity aside, it was nothing more than another crisis stemming from the same basic root cause: generation of credit to stimulate the economy.

If we ever want off the roller coaster, we need to start looking at more than just the government rolling back to a balanced budget.