Remember when..


Well-known member
Remember when the Republicans mocked John Kerry because he married a rich woman who helped him fund his political career?

Why have we heard nuthing about John McCain and how he married uber rich Candy McCain and how she has funded his career?

Ohhh, thats right the "LIBERAL MEDIA" does not cover that when it benefits Democrats.

God, imagine how they would have attacked Kerry's wife if she had stolen narcotic drugs from a charity.
Remember when the Republicans mocked John Kerry because he married a rich woman who helped him fund his political career?

Why have we heard nuthing about John McCain and how he married uber rich Candy McCain and how she has funded his career?

Ohhh, thats right the "LIBERAL MEDIA" does not cover that when it benefits Democrats.

God, imagine how they would have attacked Kerry's wife if she had stolen narcotic drugs from a charity.

It's a fair question.

The mainstream media never really reported either much, most of the coverage over Kerry and his wife came from right-wing sources and I would think most of that came from the fact that Kerry married into the money that came from a Repub senator (Heinz) which pissed them off more than just marrying into money.

Also I believe Kerry uses his wife's money as his own and it lists as part of his fortune, whereas with the McCain's, they made a prenuptial agreement that kept most of her family's assets under her name;and they have since kept their finances apart and file separate income tax returns.
He hasn't used her wealth as his own.
It's a fair question.

The mainstream media never really reported either much, most of the coverage over Kerry and his wife came from right-wing sources and I would think most of that came from the fact that Kerry married into the money that came from a Repub senator (Heinz) which pissed them off more than just marrying into money.

Also I believe Kerry uses his wife's money as his own and it lists as part of his fortune, whereas with the McCain's, they made a prenuptial agreement that kept most of her family's assets under her name;and they have since kept their finances apart and file separate income tax returns.
He hasn't used her wealth as his own.

Ya, Right, he gets to live in what ever of the seven houses he wants, they dont worry about any bills. McCain is the second richest Senator there is. He did not get that rich with his Senate paycheck. When your wife has $$$$$, I dont care how seperte you keep it he still is RICH and its not really realistic to claim that a pre-nump makes a difference.
I still remember when Cawacko, Dixie, Superfreak, and Damo were claiming that even though Bush was kinda lame, Gore and Kerry would have been worse.

That always got my vote for the worst kind of partisan hackery this board has ever seen.

I'm sure to this day, even knowing what they know now, they'd still be on their knees praying for Kerry and Gore to lose in a re-match with Dubya.

Yeah, and Obama would never be elected president, let alone senator if Michele was popping pills and stealing drugs.
Ya, Right, he gets to live in what ever of the seven houses he wants, they dont worry about any bills. McCain is the second richest Senator there is. He did not get that rich with his Senate paycheck. When your wife has $$$$$, I dont care how seperte you keep it he still is RICH and its not really realistic to claim that a pre-nump makes a difference.

I'm sorry but this is false, McCain is 26th. This list is slightly dated, but I don't think the numbers have changed drastically. In fact the top 5 are all Dems and Kerry has more than all the Repub senators combined.
John Kerry, D-Massachusetts: $163,626,399
Herb Kohl, D-Wisconsin: $111,015,016
John Rockefeller, D -West Virginia: $81,648,018
Jon Corzine, D-New Jersey: $71,035,025
Dianne Feinstein, D-California: $26,377,109
Peter Fitzgerald, R-Illinois: $26,132,013
Frank Lautenberg, D-New Jersey $17,789,018
Bill Frist, R-Tennessee: $15,108,042
John Edwards, D-North Carolina: $12,844,029
Edward Kennedy, D-Massachusetts: $9,905,009
Jeff Bingaman, D-New Mexico: $7,981,015
Bob Graham, D-Florida: $7,691,052
Richard Shelby, R-Alabama: $7,085,012
Gordon Smith, R-Oregon: $6,429,011
Lincoln Chafee, R-Rhode Island: $6,296,010
Ben Nelson, D-Nebraska: $6,267,028
Lamar Alexander, R-Tennessee: $4,823,018
Mike DeWine, R-Ohio: $4,308,093
Mark Dayton, D-Minnesota: $3,974,037
Ben Campbell, R-Colorado: $3,165,007
Chuck Hagel, R-Nebraska: $2,963,013
Olympia Snowe, R-Maine: $2,955,037
James Talent, R-Missouri: $2,843,031
Arlen Specter, R-Pennsylvania: $2,045,016
Judd Gregg, R-New Hampshire: $1,916,026
John McCain, R-Arizona: $1,838,010

The stereotype of the rich spoiled Repub is a myth. And what did you expect that they'd live in seperate houses, is that how a Liberal prenup works? ;)
I'm sorry but this is false, McCain is 26th. This list is slightly dated, but I don't think the numbers have changed drastically. In fact the top 5 are all Dems and Kerry has more than all the Repub senators combined.
John Kerry, D-Massachusetts: $163,626,399
Herb Kohl, D-Wisconsin: $111,015,016
John Rockefeller, D -West Virginia: $81,648,018
Jon Corzine, D-New Jersey: $71,035,025
Dianne Feinstein, D-California: $26,377,109
Peter Fitzgerald, R-Illinois: $26,132,013
Frank Lautenberg, D-New Jersey $17,789,018
Bill Frist, R-Tennessee: $15,108,042
John Edwards, D-North Carolina: $12,844,029
Edward Kennedy, D-Massachusetts: $9,905,009
Jeff Bingaman, D-New Mexico: $7,981,015
Bob Graham, D-Florida: $7,691,052
Richard Shelby, R-Alabama: $7,085,012
Gordon Smith, R-Oregon: $6,429,011
Lincoln Chafee, R-Rhode Island: $6,296,010
Ben Nelson, D-Nebraska: $6,267,028
Lamar Alexander, R-Tennessee: $4,823,018
Mike DeWine, R-Ohio: $4,308,093
Mark Dayton, D-Minnesota: $3,974,037
Ben Campbell, R-Colorado: $3,165,007
Chuck Hagel, R-Nebraska: $2,963,013
Olympia Snowe, R-Maine: $2,955,037
James Talent, R-Missouri: $2,843,031
Arlen Specter, R-Pennsylvania: $2,045,016
Judd Gregg, R-New Hampshire: $1,916,026
John McCain, R-Arizona: $1,838,010

The stereotype of the rich spoiled Repub is a myth. And what did you expect that they'd live in seperate houses, is that how a Liberal prenup works? ;)

Ya, right Edward Kennedy only has 9 million.
They point is that Candy's finances help McCain, much like Therza'a helped Kerry.
They point is that Candy's finances help McCain, much like Therza'a helped Kerry.

Nope. When McCain ran out of cash she advocated for personnel changes and spending problems be addressed in his campaign, she didn't bail him out with her money.

Unless you have proof otherwise?

This is really ridiculous Alex, the media have been FAR more attentive and positive to Obama's campaign and there has been many studies showing that in the last few months.

"Last week, Obama was a significant presence in 83 percent of campaign stories studied, vs. McCain in 52 percent. (To be a significant presence in a story, 25 percent of the story must be about that person.)"
Nope. When McCain ran out of cash she advocated for personnel changes and spending problems be addressed in his campaign, she didn't bail him out with her money.

Unless you have proof otherwise?

This is really ridiculous Alex, the media have been FAR more attentive and positive to Obama's campaign and there has been many studies showing that in the last few months.

"Last week, Obama was a significant presence in 83 percent of campaign stories studied, vs. McCain in 52 percent. (To be a significant presence in a story, 25 percent of the story must be about that person.)"

What percentage was Palin the signifigant presence...?
I can certainly concede that Palin is getting more coverage than Biden, but a lot of it is negative (ie: teen daughter). Rather than focusing on her views on issues.

She is getting more coverage than Obama and McCain combined. And they have not mentioned the teen baby in weeks.