Remembrance Day Was A Day To Honour Those Who Fought For Our Freedom

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
If that were the case with our modern armed forces to fight for our freedom then Justin Trudeau would have been placed behind bars or at least removed from office, WEF conspiring with officials shut down and our armed forces would have joined forces with armed forces from various countries around the world to bring the World Economic Forum and it's members to justice thus imprisoning them for conspiring against several countries with the same lies and deceptions simultaneously while our armed forces succeed at removing their wealth from them and distributing that wealth back to the countries that WEF members have been using so called officials of those countries to steal from those countries for decades. (Those willing to turn their backs on their own citizens to cater to WEF rubbish/scams thus defecate on their own citizens are the so called officials I speak of)

Instead todays armed forces are used to defecate on veterans previous efforts of fighting for our freedom to support a corrupt government working towards forcing oppression on it's citizens with such disgusting rubbish as the 2017 amendment to Bill C-16 while assuring Canadians go homeless as our country is loaded with more people than homes and yet our main political parties are all for throwing us (including veterans) under the bus by keep loading in 4 - 5 hundred thousand more people per year thus assuring that more Canadians including veterans go homeless while Canadians are losing our jobs and being sued for not lying for a bunch of sickos like the LGBT all thanks to WEF members conspiring with officials of Canada. Think, how is forcing legislation like the 2017 amendment to Bill C-16 through which dictates people have to lie for a group of compulsive obsessive liars or be sued and or lose their jobs while being slandered by a tiny group of compulsive obsessive liars in any way freedom for Canadians? It is not freedom but it is factual evidence of forced oppression being thrust upon Canadians so a WEF easily baited hate group of sickos can go around robbing everyone else of the right to be what we are and all because they are too pathetic to even want to accept themselves for what they them selves factually are which reveals who the only bigots here are which is the LGBT and the WEF perpetuating such disgusting, inexcusable and unforgivable filth used to assist the WEF with dividing and conquering.

Todays armed forces are used to support hoaxes like the climate change crisis of which it is claimed that humans are the cause and yet name one person globally who has ever proven that 3% of the entire worlds surface area that is occupied by humans raises the atmospheric temperature of the Earth even 0.000001 degree?! Right there is no one and if someone found a way to prove that 3% of the worlds surface area occupied by humans raises the atmospheric temperature 0.000001 degree, they couldn't even prove that would be just cause to proclaim a crisis caused by humans! Let's not forget one of Trudeau's previous Ministers Catherine McKenna removing as I recall over a hundred years of recorded Canadian climate history and citing it as unreliable with absolutely no proof to back such an obvious lie used as excuse to remove so much history! So here we have the Trudeau government (and other sell outs) carrying on like the climate hoax they perpetuate has even so much as a shred of validity when there clearly is not even a shred of evidence used as a guise to tax us into homelessness and slavery working hard to barely survive as they continue to load the country with more people than there are homes which is every indication of intent to kill off Canadians along with our veterans going homeless in the extreme cold. Hey when everything goes electric as they conspire under the guise of a climate hoax and power grids keep going down, well that is a whole new style of silently mass slaughtering the public especially in winter! Murderers!

Todays armed forces fight so citizens protesting isolation and fake vaccines get made out to be criminals thus losing their freedom to protest the WEF and Big Pharma conspiring with officials which lead to our officials signing away liability for the damage that fake vaccines caused by big pharma while also signing away billions to send big pharma for fake vaccines as they extensively attempted to cage us like animals and mask us like brainless morons. Again let's not forget that Sept. 10th 2021 the CDC removed the definition of vaccine and replaced it with their lies so greed bags could rake in the cash for fake vaccines of which several dictionaries lost credibility by following suit and replacing the definition with their lies. Oh let's not forget that libraries are being ransacked so old books carrying valid definitions are removed and replaced with WEF sicko lies and deceptions to suit their divide, conquer while enslaving and oppressing narratives.

I suppose that First Nations seem to think that veterans of Canada who came from First Nations feel they aren't even close of being worthy of standing out with veterans on Remembrance Day so they try and hide within the shadows of days just before Remembrance Day to try and fool themselves into thinking they appear any more significant than any other veteran with such divisive and selfish redundancy.

So who is fighting for our freedom around the world these day you wonder, well it is I and my pleasure! Let's honour those who fought for our freedom and let's fight to keep our freedom by removing those from positions of power who are obviously still conspiring to take our freedom away! It would be nice to see us all including our armed forces along with armed forces from around the world unite, step up to the plate and get the job done!


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
Would you salute Veterans for where that medical pseudoscience human reproduction fabricated virgin Mary son of Allah immaculate Jesus the Christ conception of Christiananality pedophilia & Islamidiotocracy Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom for current Christian Nation SCOTUS "one nation under God with equal justice under law" national religion George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement Mengele "Angel of Death" thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists baptize thine eyes by urinations under color of law traditions......