Renaissance- cannot be tainted with colour of ideology


New member
Yes, anothor op-ed from newsvine. I love that site.

This one borrows largely from David Landes 'WEalth and Poverty of Nations' with respect to freedom of thought and critical expression and it's relation to lack of progress in certain parts of the world.

Renaissance- cannot be tainted with colour of ideology; it cannot be 'Islamic or Christian.'

The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) has adopted a new charter that calls for a “jihad of peace” to spark off an Islamic renaissance. Muslim country Indonesia called for an “Islamic Renaissance.” Indonesian President Susilo Bambang was quoted as saying “The possibility of an Islamic renaissance lies before us. We need to get our act together as an organisation of Muslim nations.” These are virtuous and extremely timely, helpful statements cannot be overlooked, these represents sea change of attitude and I can see beginning of a thaw in very hardened ideological quarters. The world should try to capitalise on these offshoots and act as catalyst to commence a debate on change.

Renaissance has no colour, creed or ideology, add reason to logic and top it up with broad-mindedness and pluralism and you have a sturdy drift of 'Renaissance' engulfing any region or any society. For these conditions to exist minds need to be free from dogma and idolatry of puritan ideology. Self righteousness is anathema of Renaissance, so is self flagellation and self pity, nations who indulge in this are more concerned with post life than the life here.

I've always tried to say, countries like Afghanistan and Indonesia, where former Muslims are executed for converting to another religion, are what happens whenever democracy is put in place without any sort of enlightenment or renaissance beforehand. A Muslim renaissance would be the best thing to happen to the world since the Christian rennaissance.
We need to make sure the woman of Afghanistan are being educated, that is what will make a difference. Educated woman have educated children!
Didn't the european renaissance involve religion ?

I really don't think we will be able to seperate out religion for many many years.
That was primarily the enlightenment.

The Muslim world had their renaissance or 'Golden Age' during Europe's dark ages.

Seems like a lot of european renaissance men were about done in by the church...

The knowledge the muslims hung onto is what helped eupope get going again.
Seems like a lot of european renaissance men were about done in by the church...

The Black Death moreso than the church. :D
You could be right, I'm not well versed on that period.

The Enlightenment followed the Renaissance, which I find much more interesting .

The knowledge the muslims hung onto is what helped eupope get going again.

The knowledge they borrowed from the Greeks and built upon, but still remain largely trapped in the 19th century.
didn't Michangello paint in 16 chapels or something. And Capurnicus was put on house arrest after he recanted some fo his stuff I think.
The Black Death moreso than the church. :D
You could be right, I'm not well versed on that period.

The Enlightenment followed the Renaissance, which I find much more interesting .

The knowledge they borrowed from the Greeks and built upon, but still remain largely trapped in the 19th century.

I believe the 16th Century, in-between the Italian Renaissance and the Enlightenment is termed the Baroquean Era.
Seems like a lot of european renaissance men were about done in by the church...

The knowledge the muslims hung onto is what helped eupope get going again.

The Muslim civilization in the Iberian penuisila (Spain) was one of the most advanced and tolerant societies on Earth in it's time, from the 8th to the 12th century. The fanatical Catholics threw them out, along with the Jews, and destroyed most of the progress they had made.