Rep Experiment Over...


Staff member
Well, since we've pretty much all agreed that rep is worthless. I have now removed it.

No rep, but the thank you/groan system is still in place.
still no link....figures....liar

damo didn't mean to "rep" onceler, he meant to lynch him....onceler is part of the reason damo finally got rid of rep....

Unless Damo has his hand and most of his forearm stuck you your ass, you really can't speak for Damo.
Plus I don't really know if Damo can throw his voice.
I am emotard Freedumb, I make fake claims about Yurt, but I'm full of shit.

Yurt rules!

P.S. I am not Yurt, this has to be legion troll.
Well, since we've pretty much all agreed that rep is worthless. I have now removed it.

No rep, but the thank you/groan system is still in place.

Judging by the overwhelming response to this thread, you have done an astounding and remarkable thing.

All hail the GREAT and POWERFUL Damocles! [/sarcasm]
LOL. Judging by the response it was overdue and I'm lazy and a procrastinator.

Actually, I just wanted to get my Wizard of Oz moment in there since the movie has been playing non-stop this weekend and I personally watched it twice.

That movie used to scare the beejeesus out of me when I was a kid. Those dang flying monkeys! Kind of reminds me of some people here...
Actually, I just wanted to get my Wizard of Oz moment in there since the movie has been playing non-stop this weekend and I personally watched it twice.

That movie used to scare the beejeesus out of me when I was a kid. Those dang flying monkeys! Kind of reminds me of some people here...
Their blueness disturbs me. The movie that got me when I was a kid was "The Birds" from Hitchcock. Now when I watch it I wonder how it could have possibly frightened me so. (sheepish admission: I still can't stand when birds fly near my head. I immediately want to cover my eyes.)