Rep. McCormick to Newsmax: Biden has Lewy Bidy Dementia.


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Rep. McCormick to Newsmax: Biden Has Lewy Body Dementia​

Rep. McCormick to Newsmax: Biden Has Lewy Body Dementia!


OK, now, exactly what the hell is "Lewy Body Dementia"? Please read -- and remember, Rep. Cormick is himself a PHYSICIAN!

Link: Lewy Body Dementia: Symptoms, Stages, & Treatment

There are seven stages of Lewy Body Dementia (which one describes Biden's current status?)

"7 Stages of Lewy Body Dementia

Doctors have classified LBD into these seven stages:Stage I: No cognitive decline. Symptoms are not noticeable to the patient, doctors, or loved ones.

Stage II: Very mild cognitive decline. Slight changes, such as forgetfulness, may crop up.

Stage III: Mild cognitive decline. Symptoms may become clearer to loved ones. In this stage, people with LBD may have mild memory loss, forgetfulness, and concentration problems.

Stage IV: Moderate cognitive decline. At this point, the person with LBD has obvious forgetfulness and difficulty performing daily tasks. Many patients are diagnosed at stage IV.

Stage V: Moderately severe cognitive decline. In this stage, people with LBD have significant memory problems and may require assistance with certain tasks.

Stage VI: Severe cognitive decline. In this stage, memory loss is significant. Many patients have a change in personality, lose their ability to speak, and struggle with incontinence. They need lots of support to live well.

Stage VII: Very severe cognitive decline. People lose their ability to communicate and may not be able to walk. They need extensive assistance. Stage VII usually lasts 1.5-2.5 years
I remember all the way back to the days when doctors felt honor bound to not diagnose people they have never met with professionally.
I remember all the way back to the days when doctors felt honor bound to not diagnose people they have never met with professionally.
If it is a president. you get to see them in many circumstances and learn lots about them. That is more than you get from a 45-minute session once a week.
If it is a president. you get to see them in many circumstances and learn lots about them. That is more than you get from a 45-minute session once a week.
Doctors now lie to us constantly....look at COVID as just one example.

These are dark times.