Repealing Obamacare a piece at a time

Big Money

New member
Obamacare as written is already gone, dismantled by its namesake. Obamacare itself has not, strictly speaking, collapsed of its own weight.

Rather, it has been changed from its original, unworkable form first by Chief Justice John Roberts and then by the president into some new, unworkable mishmash.

Obamacare per se is already gone. The question remains whether the law in some form will remain or whether the 2016 contest will be about what sort of plan replaces Obamacare. The latter is the odds-on favorite.

Every moment when the administration has been faced with either mandating something or surrendering on this bill, they’ve surrendered each time. They’ve weakened each individual mandate all the way along. So you have to expect they’ll weaken and surrender on the mandate.

That is in effect leaving only the shell of Obamacare still in place, a kind of face-saver for the lame-duck president.

The case for repeal of Obamacare builds each day. CNN reports support for the law has evaporated.

The Republican nominee will run on “repeal and replace.” Once the race to replace Obama is underway and certainly when he is gone, the incentive to preserve Obamacare evaporates.
It isnt gone while it remains law. The GOP stands idly by letting BO legislate from the golf course as though it was permisable. This fiasco would already be repealed or insuring every donkey pol was voted out had they only honored the oath to protect and defend the Condtitution.
Midterms are coming.

Meantime, the Golfer-in-Chief is caving on every single mandate.

The White House is again showing "flexibility" on when customers can sign up, subtly signaling that it will offer a “special enrollment period” for anyone who tried to use the insurance exchanges and ran into technical problems or delays.