Report: Ark Encounter Cheating On Property Taxes, Hurting Local Schools

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Dishonest Christians: According to new reports Ken Ham’s conservative Christian theme park Ark Encounter is failing to pay their fair share of property taxes, and hurting public schools in the process.

A new lawsuit filed by the Grant County Board of Education in Kentucky claims that Ham’s Ark Encounter has been cheating on their property taxes by undervaluing the anti-science, Bible based, creationist theme park.

However, dishonesty is the raison d’etre for the creationist theme park
Ham’s Ark Encounter is a Christian fundamentalist project based on discredited science and a literal interpretation of Genesis. The life-size version of Noah’s Ark located in Williamstown, just south of Cincinnati, Ohio, is an exercise in Christian propaganda: a deplorable attempt to deceive children and others by denying the scientific reality of biological evolution and promoting Christian mythology as scientific fact.

Ark Encounter is dedicated to indoctrinating children with ridiculous and discredited claims from the dubious field of “creation science,” claims such as the earth is only 6,000-years-old, that human beings and dinosaurs lived on the earth at the same time, and that the story of Noah’s Ark is true.

The truth is that there is no scientific controversy concerning evolution. The assumption that creationism, or intelligent design, constitutes a legitimate scientific alternative to the theory of evolution, is simply false.

Purposely retarding children and tax cheats
My two cents >>

I think it is in exceedingly bad taste to have a theme park based on the premise of profiting off the bible. Or any sacred text for that matter.

I believe that is a scheme only rightwing Christians would think up.

I do not believe Muslims have theme parks for the Koran, I doubt there are Torah-based theme parks, and I would be surprised if there is a Bhagavad Gita-based theme park. Muslims, Jews, and Hindus seemingly have more respect for their sacred texts than do Trump-loving Christians.

My prediction: some nutbag Christo-fascist will invent a Creation Science museum dedicated to charging for profit and for proving, once and for all, the scientific basis of the Garden of Eden. Wait, did that already happen??
My two cents >>

I think it is in exceedingly bad taste to have a theme park based on the premise of profiting off the bible. Or any sacred text for that matter.

I believe that is a scheme only rightwing Christians would think up.

I do not believe Muslims have theme parks for the Koran, I doubt there are Torah-based theme parks, and I would be surprised if there is a Bhagavad Gita-based theme park. Muslims, Jews, and Hindus seemingly have more respect for their sacred texts than do Trump-loving Christians.

My prediction: some nutbag Christo-fascist will invent a Creation Science museum dedicated to charging for profit and for proving, once and for all, the scientific basis of the Garden of Eden. Wait, did that already happen??

oh the hucksters are out there , get a load of this!

what a friend they have in je$u$

Adult One Day Ticket
Ages 18+
x $50.00 =

Oh, wait fags, property owners don't value their own properties for property taxes. So, why are you fags blaming the park?
oh the hucksters are out there , get a load of this!

what a friend they have in je$u$

Adult One Day Ticket
Ages 18+
x $50.00 =

"The Holy Land Experience brings the Bible to life through top notch entertainment, interactive story-telling and showcasing rare Biblical artifacts"

It is in really poor taste, not to mention ethically dubious for Trump-loving rightwing Christians to run a business dedicated to profiting off their supposedly most sacred holy book.

In that sense, I have more respect for Muslims, Hindus, Jews who, to the best of my knowledge, do not have theme parks dedicated to profiting off their holy scriptures, and bilking their fellow co-religionists out of their money. Unlike the Trump-loving Christians, these other faith traditions seemingly treat their sacred books with the utmost reverence and respect.