Report: Saudis sent death-row inmates to fight Syria


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Report: Saudis sent death-row inmates to fight Syria

Michael Winter, USA TODAY 5:53 p.m. EST January 21, 2013

Secret memo says more than 1,200 prisoners fought Assad regime to avoid beheading.

Citing what it calls a "top secret memo" in April from the Ministry of Interior, AINA says the Saudi offered 1,239 inmates a pardon and a monthly stipend for their families, which were were allowed to stay in the Sunni Arab kingdom. Syrian President Bashar Assad is an Alawite, a minority Shiite sect.

According to an English translation of the memo, besides Saudis, the prisoners included Afghans, Egyptians, Iraqis, Jordanians, Kuwaitis, Pakistanis, Palestinians, Somalis, Sudanese, Syrians and Yemenis. All faced "execution by sword" for murder, rape or drug smuggling.
It was so top secret that USA Today got ahold of it. People who get their news from USA Today are gullible dipshits. They're almost as bad as those who get their news from CBS, NBC or MSNBC.
Assyrian International News Agency (AINA) found the original memo from the Saudi Ministry of Interior.
It wasn't due to be released, so yes it was 'secrect'

Look at the storyline -not just SA prisioners - but....,
the prisoners included Afghans, Egyptians, Iraqis, Jordanians, Kuwaitis, Pakistanis, Palestinians, Somalis, Sudanese, Syrians and Yemenis

Also note:
Russia, which has backed Assad, objected to the bargain and allegedly threatened to bring the issue to the United Nations, said an unidentified former Iraqi member of Parliament who confirmed the memo's authenticity, says AINA, an independent outlet.

"Initially Saudi Arabia denied the existence of this program. But the testimony of the released prisoners forced the Saudi government to admit, in private circles, its existence," AINA writes. "The Saudis agreed to stop their clandestine activities and work towards finding a political solution on condition that knowledge of this program would not be made public
meaning the activity was ceased, as a condition of not being published (made public) but yet here it is...

This is our MAIN Sunni proxy in the region , not Russia's. Why are we backing the rebels anyway now that the 'AQ Affiliates" are dominating the battlefield,
and Syrian National Council is complaining about being marginalized?

This is our MAIN Sunni proxy in the region , not Russia's. Why are we backing the rebels anyway now that the 'AQ Affiliates" are dominating the battlefield,
and Syrian National Council is complaining about being marginalized?


This news proves what I alleged that US is the mastermind to "liberate" prisoners to fight a terrorist war. Leave that "Sunni proxy alone.

785. Manipulating Al Qaida (8/18/2013)

The preparation for August US embassies closing – it indicated a coming big terror attack. They organized big prison breakings.

Interpol issues alert on mass prison breaks in Pakistan, Iraq and Libya

August 03, 2013

Interpol issued a global security alert to 9 nations Saturday after a series of prison breaks in Iraq, Libya and Pakistan, which the agency says may be linked, and in some cases were organized by al Qaeda.

Prison break: Taliban gunmen free 300 inmates from Pakistan jail
Published time: July 30, 2013

Benghazi jailbreak: Over 1,100 prisoners escape in Libya amid protests
Published time: July 27, 2013

Over 500 ‘Al-Qaeda militants’ escape Iraq’s Abu Ghraib in violent break-out
Published time: July 22, 2013

This is a rare show of the Feds work.
1. The prison breaking was unprecedented big. 300, 1100, 500 prisoners escaped. Can you imagine it?
2. All breakings seemed to be successful, no casualty heard. This meant the cases were carried out with the co-operation of the authority.
3. Little news about detail. Government doesn’t want you know too much. This was a let-go-free operation.
4. All these countries are under US control. They are either “Anti-terror ally” or “liberated” country by US army or its allies.
5. They were masterminded by one planner. That’s obvious. The planner has the ability to control the government of these three countries and also can manipulate the Al Qaida.
All prison breakings were done in later July 2013 because they need cannon fodder in coming month.

We saw this from government announcement of “closing the embassies” in Aug. 2nd. “they (Al Qaida) may focus efforts to conduct attacks in the period between now and the end of August,"


The war on terror was invented by the Feds. The purpose is to demand more money and power from people. So when the intelligence and Pentagon are there, the terror will be there too. If there is none, they create one.

Human have hound in their house to protect their family against the wolf. As the hound getting more power, they don't want to be guards any more. They want to be master. So the hound trained some wolf they captured. Let the agent wolf to attack and kill human. Human is frightened. They give hound whatever they demanded -money, power ..... Now hound become master. When they need something, they let the agent wolf have an attack on human, then said, this is a long war, to protect your lives, I need warrantless surveillance, more budget fund, torture prison.... . The hound repeated its demand, "This enemy has struck us, and they will strike again, and we'll give our folks the tools necessary to protect the country," if you don't then the hound "can not protect ourselves".

That's why we saw after 10 years, occasionally a wolf or two were captured. But hundreds of thousands of innocent people died. There is an endless war to control people. A constant blackmail for more power.
All these countries are under US control. They are either “Anti-terror ally” or “liberated” country by US army or its allies.
The US doesn't 'control' any of these countries; albeit our role in all three (Iraq/Libya/Paki) they are independent sovereign states.

US. did degrade Iraq's central gov't ( overthrowing Saddam for the weak al_Malaki), and did let Libya slide into a terrorist state
( witness the 'snatch and grab' of Abu Anas the other day, as he was living in the open).

Bengazi is a clusterfuck of gigantic proportions -we STILL haven't made any arrests in the (Bengazi 9-11-12) terrorist attack that killied Amb. Steven and the SEALS.

This though the NYTimes , and CNN held interviews with ,,(forget his name -wanted by the FBI)
They were masterminded by one planner. That’s obvious. The planner has the ability to control the government of these three countries and also can manipulate the Al Qaida
It does look that way -I am thinking these are various "AQ Affiliates" that did have 'chatter' with al -Zawahari.

There is a lot of coordination (or at least was) before we closed all those ME embassys -they were talking by CELL PHONES - not sure how they coordinate now.

Good pick up, on the prision breaks!!
"Death row inmates" and any other inmates may have only committed crimes like adultery in SA.

Big deal.

(didnt read article, sorreh)
Al Qaida is US puppet. Works for the interest of US.

Al-Qaeda Leader Strikes Deal With U.S., Saudis To Send 5,000 Fighters to Syria

Yemeni Jihadist personally trained by Bin Laden

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Monday, September 3, 2012

A militant who fought alongside Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan and is now the leader of a group affiliated with Al-Qaeda in South Yemen has struck a deal with the United States and Saudi Arabia to send 5,000 Al-Qaeda fighters into Syria according to reports out of the Middle East.