republican deregulation

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
republican deregulation has led the way to our current economic failures

big is better the reps say, but check the golden parachutes that ceos create for themselves and to hell with the rest of the company

fraud has been committed and what is the government doing about it

we have been well and truly hosed by the mega multinational corporations

their tentacles have ensnared the world markets and their fraud and mismanagement will take down the world economy if they are not propped up

what the hell happened

how did we get in this mess
Greed was the main driving factor imho.
Also as long as the economy looked good....
This Jobless Recovery that we had...
Half a trillion or so thusfar on a war all paid for on credit, while cutting taxes.
Even politicians telling people to buy stuff on credit to pump up the economy.
this has been a long time building.
Greed was the main driving factor imho.
Also as long as the economy looked good....
This Jobless Recovery that we had...
Half a trillion or so thusfar on a war all paid for on credit, while cutting taxes.
Even politicians telling people to buy stuff on credit to pump up the economy.
this has been a long time building.

yes, sheer unadulterated greed

get those commissions make those sales - so a consumer driven economy works

however, think of all the investment money available from baby boomers and their 401(k)s and equity in their homes all looking for the biggest return on their investments and the pressure on fund managers to perform

yes, and the elephant in the room, the war and tax cuts