Republican House Plays Politics, Screwing Both Doctors And Medicare Patients


New member
I live in fla the state with most likely the most seniors. I dont know of any doctors that have stopped taking medicare patients but I do know how they make up for the shortages in payments.
The neighbor behind me my wifes close friend is office supervisor for the largest Medical group in my area. Shes directly involved with all aspects.
She explained that Drs havent lost a dime in income, they just changed how they see patients. This is some of the ways, 15 minute scheduled appts, see more patients in the same amout of time. This is the big one, instead of telling patients well no need to come back call us if you need us, instead of yearly checkup appts unless there is illness or 6 month appts, they are scheduling anywhere from 2 week follow ups to 3 months to make up the shortfalls. Everyone loses, the doctor who has to production line patients, the patients, the insurers and medicare and ultimately the taxpayers, EVERYONE LOSES.
Cant we ever work anything out between the two brats, the Rs and Ds

After several years a deal had been reached to permanently repeal the flawed Sustainable Growth Formula but the House Republicans chose to play politics with it. The House Republicans showed a disregard for both physicians and Medicare beneficiaries. They attached the fix to a five year delay on the individual mandate, knowing that this would be dead in the Senate.

The Sustainable Growth Formula was initially devised to give doctors increased Medicare reimbursement if medical costs go down and decrease reimbursement if costs rise. The formula was quickly found to be flawed. Individual physicians cannot control the overall trajectory of Medicare expenses regardless of the financial rewards or penalties. The formula failed to take into account overall increases in costs we have experienced over the past decade as a result of an aging population and new medical technology. As a result, the formula would reduce Medicare payments to physicians to a level below what doctors could afford to see Medicare patients for. Reimbursement from Tricare, which covers military families, is also tied to Medicare reimbursement. Congress has realized that the cuts were not tolerable and has repeatedly voted for a “doc fix” to

The persistence of this problem over the past decade has eroded confidence in the federal government and the Medicare program, leading some physicians to stop accepting Medicare patients. Even Congress finally realized that something had to be done and an agreement was reached in principle between the federal government and physician organizations for a new payment structure to replace the Sustainable Growth Formula. The House had the opportunity to pass this as a clean bill today, but instead played politics by attaching it to a delay to the individual mandate.

It is getting difficult to keep count but I believe this is now the fifty-first vote to either repeal or greatly interfere with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

I live in fla the state with most likely the most seniors. I dont know of any doctors that have stopped taking medicare patients but I do know how they make up for the shortages in payments.
The neighbor behind me my wifes close friend is office supervisor for the largest Medical group in my area. Shes directly involved with all aspects.
She explained that Drs havent lost a dime in income, they just changed how they see patients. This is some of the ways, 15 minute scheduled appts, see more patients in the same amout of time. This is the big one, instead of telling patients well no need to come back call us if you need us, instead of yearly checkup appts unless there is illness or 6 month appts, they are scheduling anywhere from 2 week follow ups to 3 months to make up the shortfalls. Everyone loses, the doctor who has to production line patients, the patients, the insurers and medicare and ultimately the taxpayers, EVERYONE LOSES.
Cant we ever work anything out between the two brats, the Rs and Ds

After several years a deal had been reached to permanently repeal the flawed Sustainable Growth Formula but the House Republicans chose to play politics with it. The House Republicans showed a disregard for both physicians and Medicare beneficiaries. They attached the fix to a five year delay on the individual mandate, knowing that this would be dead in the Senate.

The Sustainable Growth Formula was initially devised to give doctors increased Medicare reimbursement if medical costs go down and decrease reimbursement if costs rise. The formula was quickly found to be flawed. Individual physicians cannot control the overall trajectory of Medicare expenses regardless of the financial rewards or penalties. The formula failed to take into account overall increases in costs we have experienced over the past decade as a result of an aging population and new medical technology. As a result, the formula would reduce Medicare payments to physicians to a level below what doctors could afford to see Medicare patients for. Reimbursement from Tricare, which covers military families, is also tied to Medicare reimbursement. Congress has realized that the cuts were not tolerable and has repeatedly voted for a “doc fix” to

The persistence of this problem over the past decade has eroded confidence in the federal government and the Medicare program, leading some physicians to stop accepting Medicare patients. Even Congress finally realized that something had to be done and an agreement was reached in principle between the federal government and physician organizations for a new payment structure to replace the Sustainable Growth Formula. The House had the opportunity to pass this as a clean bill today, but instead played politics by attaching it to a delay to the individual mandate.

It is getting difficult to keep count but I believe this is now the fifty-first vote to either repeal or greatly interfere with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.


Federal government involvement in the nation's healthcare is unconstitutional. Most everything BIG government does is a fucking disaster and most of it is unconstitutional The people should demand that the feds stick to only those things authorized for the feds to be involved in by the Constitution and leave the rest to the States and or the people as mandated by Amendment 10 of the United States Constitution.
If you left everything to the states half the states would be full of people from the other half
Dr's are a cartel.
Fuck them

Drs do what no other cartel does, like the teaparty and the Lawyer cartel, they actually help people and save them.

You will do what everyone else does when your sick and in pain, go look for a member of the Dr Cartel
Drs do what no other cartel does, like the teaparty and the Lawyer cartel, they actually help people and save them.

You will do what everyone else does when your sick and in pain, go look for a member of the Dr Cartel

Making healthcare "profitable" in this country was a big mistake. Undoing it will not be easy on anyone, unfortunately, but the time has come.
Making healthcare "profitable" in this country was a big mistake. Undoing it will not be easy on anyone, unfortunately, but the time has come.

Is healthcare for profit any different than any other industry that people must have today in 2014.
Should utilities be for profit when people have to have electric and any other industry that people must use that have no competition.
Healthcare costs are horrific I agree, but everyone has their hand in healthcare profit other than drs.
Non dr corporatations that own hospitals and medical facilities like Hospital Corp of America the largest private for profit hospital Corp that stole untold billions from the taxpayers while Rick Scott was Ceo.
To be honest Im still stunned that Obamacare passed and I dont see it getting any more socialized any time soon.
If you left everything to the states half the states would be full of people from the other half

Not for long! Sooner or later each State would learn the hard way or easy way lessons from the other States. They'd soon go bankrupt if they didn't and the voters thereof would soon change the faces and the ideologies of their State representatives. The end result would be States adopting only the best of ideas and a true laboratory test of capitalism vs socialism. And the best result of all is it allows "the people" the freedom to "vote with their feet" and move where they most agree with State policies and ideology. And that's exactly what our founders intended.
BTW, "EVERYTHING" isn't left to the States. The feds have what is authorized for the feds to do by the Constitution, (see Article One, Section Eight) of the Constitution.