Republican Negative Ads against Obama in Fall Election!


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Name them....

He is a muslim!

He is an american hater!

He is a liberal!

He believes in the Koran!

He doesnt support the troops!
I believe in the Koran. I own a copy, it would be hard for me to disbelieve that the Koran exists.
I think we're already there and just don't know it because it was a bit disappointing. So, yes. It exists here in Heaven.
Is it really disappointing or are we just so caught up in the world that we cannot see that we are there. And how many lifetimes will it take to actually see the forest for the trees?
Is it really disappointing or are we just so caught up in the world that we cannot see that we are there. And how many lifetimes will it take to actually see the forest for the trees?
Well, that will be exactly how long it takes for everybody to reach Nirvana.
Personally I think Nirvanna would be as boring as the Christian concept of heaven. There would be NOTHING to do. And it would get monotonous in a hurry.

I like the Viking concept...ya go to Valhalla and meet up with old friends and the Islamic version of 72 Virgins to be shared with all the martyrs!
I like the Viking concept...ya go to Valhalla and meet up with old friends and the Islamic version of 72 Virgins to be shared with all the martyrs!

Hey they have beer and mead in Valhalla! Not bad at all! You beauty! I just need to move to Minnesota and get to be a naturalised Viking now! :clink: