Republican Savior?


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The Pillsbury Doughboy, has nothing on this fat f*cker?!!


This porker would probably die of a massive coronary, doing the campaign anyway?!!gold01.gif
Why not concentrate on his appalling record as governor?
Christie is no messiah for the Teatards, who are desperate for an idealogically perfect Super Tea-rorist.

The reason this desperation is amusing has to do with certain of Christie’s positions and statements that are sure to get more attention if he’s in the race.

Think Mitt Romney had fun going at Rick Perry from the right on immigration?

I reckon he’ll have himself a little party with quotes like these, uttered by U.S. Attorney Christie in 2008, speaking at a Latino church forum: “Being in this country without proper documentation is not a crime. The whole phrase of 'illegal immigrant' connotes that the person, by just being here, is committing a crime.”

Being undocumented may be a civil wrong, but it's not a criminal act, Christie said.

“Don't let people make you believe that that's a crime that the U.S. Attorney's Office should be doing something about. It is not.”

Christie has supported the assault weapons ban and opposed concealed-carry laws.

He says global warming is real and calls evidence of the harmful effects of carbon dioxide emissions—in other words, acknowledgement of a human role "undeniable".

But the icing on the cake of apostasy is a Christie ad which features gauzy music behind a political speech by another political figure with whom the candidate obviously wanted to associate himself.

Ronald Reagan? George W. Bush? New Jersey founding father David Brearley? Guess again. It was Barack Hussein Obama.

If Charlie Crist couldn’t explain away appearing on a stage with Barack Obama, I don’t see how Christie shakes this off.

Webbie says what the rest of the conservatives are afraid to say. He represents true conservative ideology.
Are you saying that Christie would crush his Republican competition by jumping in?
"But neither man (Romney/Perry)has done the one thing that truly excites David Koch and his fellow deep-pocketed Christie fans: take on the public sector unions in a big way."

Christie will run because the Kochs want him to and they call the shots for the Teabag Party. Neither Perry or Romney are as focused on eliminating the middle class as the fat ass and this is the main objective of the leaders of the Teabag Party.
"But neither man (Romney/Perry)has done the one thing that truly excites David Koch and his fellow deep-pocketed Christie fans: take on the public sector unions in a big way."

Christie will run because the Kochs want him to and they call the shots for the Teabag Party. Neither Perry or Romney are as focused on eliminating the middle class as the fat ass and this is the main objective of the leaders of the Teabag Party.

Interesting thoughts. My money has been on Romney, but you bring up a very interesting point.
Interesting thoughts. My money has been on Romney, but you bring up a very interesting point.

Here's another one to think about.

In Az we're getting "I'm a mormon" commercials on tv. Why? Because 2 of the Teabag candidates are mormon and they want to show that mormons are not cult members but are trying to show that mormons are regular people and 'christians'. Mormons are the second richest 'religion' in the world and a mormon president would give their cult credibility.