Republican Senator: We Must Rethink Cuban Embargo


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US 'must rethink Cuban embargo'

The US economic embargo on Cuba "has failed" and should be re-evaluated, senior Republican Senator Richard Lugar argues in a report.

"We must recognise the ineffectiveness of our current policy and deal with the Cuba regime in a way that enhances US interests," Senator Lugar says.

President Barack Obama has promised a new look at US policy towards Cuba, including easing travel restrictions.

But he has said he believes the embargo is an "inducement" for change in Cuba.

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I don't know how he can draw the conclusion that the policy has failed.

It's only been in place a mere 47 years, surely it's simply too early to make any definitive judgement. At least make it a big round 50 before you throw in the towel.
I don't know how he can draw the conclusion that the policy has failed.

It's only been in place a mere 47 years, surely it's simply too early to make any definitive judgement. At least make it a big round 50 before you throw in the towel.
We'll just tag out and let our good friends in Britain take over and give up good cigars in our behest.
We'll just tag out and let our good friends in Britain take over and give up good cigars in our behest.

if you really want to punish the Cuban regime, sweep away the ridiculous embargo and give Castro a taste of one of the most frightening sights the world has even known...



American tourists.
Holy crap! That guy looks just like a British tourist!

No, no, no dear boy.

The figure on the right is typical of the British tourist...although when exposed to sunlight the male adopts a colour indistinguishable from that of an overcooked lobster and can often be spotted talking slowly and loudly to foreigners in English.

No, no, no dear boy.

The figure on the right is typical of the British tourist...although when exposed to sunlight the male adopts a colour indistinguishable from that of an overcooked lobster and can often be spotted talking slowly and loudly to foreigners in English.


I had a great time in Cuba. Snorkeling, spearfishing, an open-air theater, and lots of sunshine.

Odd travel agent though. I had to agree to be on their ship for four years, and they were always going on about my shoes needing to be shined. They gave me some very cool bell-bottom jeans though.
I used to work with an Englishman from Manchester. He was a metallurgist (he pronounced it "metallagist") that we hired as a plant manager and he used to say undecipherable things that I had to translate, like;

"He's a nice chap". American translation "What a fucking asshole".

I like your pussy. American translation. "I like your cat".

Nowt querer than folk. American translation "People are strange".

That's an interesting concept. American translation "You're an idiot!"

Blow me! (this one nearly got him killed by an Arkansas mechanic who surprised him with a rather large repair bill.) American translation "Wow! I sure am surprised!"

We're in unanimous agreement. American Translation "We're to scared to tell you that something has gone horribly wrong."

You're a brave man! American Translation "I find your judgement quite suspect and rather dangerous."

You sir are intelligent, gifted and far sighted. American Translation "You incompetent mother fucker!"

You have my complete confidence. American translation "I wouldn't trust you to carry a warm bucket of spit."

I will support all your efforts. American Translation "You're on your own Jack!"

Those were just a few examples.
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