Republican Submission to Trump Reveals the Rot Within

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
His former rivals bow and scrape, making fools of themselves and a mockery of their principles.

Meatball Ron has done it. Lyin’ Ted did it years ago. Little Marco too. Maybe Birdbrain will prove to have more cojones than that growing parade of men who once asked us to believe they were leaders but turned out to be sycophants.

They’ve all endured ritual humiliation at the hands of their master and then bowed and scraped for some small scrap of recognition from him. Some do it grudgingly at first, qualifiedly, until they realize that only complete obeisance will do for Donald Trump. These days they know the safest form of submission is unconditional. The former president will brook nothing but abject fealty, so just get straight to your knees and kiss the ring.
Guno צְבִי;5884523 said:
His former rivals bow and scrape, making fools of themselves and a mockery of their principles.

Meatball Ron has done it. Lyin’ Ted did it years ago. Little Marco too. Maybe Birdbrain will prove to have more cojones than that growing parade of men who once asked us to believe they were leaders but turned out to be sycophants.

They’ve all endured ritual humiliation at the hands of their master and then bowed and scraped for some small scrap of recognition from him. Some do it grudgingly at first, qualifiedly, until they realize that only complete obeisance will do for Donald Trump. These days they know the safest form of submission is unconditional. The former president will brook nothing but abject fealty, so just get straight to your knees and kiss the ring.

Leftists have been rotten for decades. Look at you. You're a Jew in a party with members that HATE you. You're fucked up pal.
Guno צְבִי;5884523 said:
His former rivals bow and scrape, making fools of themselves and a mockery of their principles.

Meatball Ron has done it. Lyin’ Ted did it years ago. Little Marco too. Maybe Birdbrain will prove to have more cojones than that growing parade of men who once asked us to believe they were leaders but turned out to be sycophants.

They’ve all endured ritual humiliation at the hands of their master and then bowed and scraped for some small scrap of recognition from him. Some do it grudgingly at first, qualifiedly, until they realize that only complete obeisance will do for Donald Trump. These days they know the safest form of submission is unconditional. The former president will brook nothing but abject fealty, so just get straight to your knees and kiss the ring.

Desatan's cowardice didn't surprise me. I was really embarrassed for Tim Scott <--- what a disgusting little toad he turned out to be!
Leftists have been rotten for decades. Look at you. You're a Jew in a party with members that HATE you. You're fucked up pal.

Really? Just how many Jews are in the senate or congress are in the white goyim party?

We Jews have nothing in common with your kind

Jewish thought is strongly aligned with social equality. Many of the first folks in the civil rights movement were Jews. On the march to Selma, look carefully at those old photos. Next to Dr. King, you will see rabbis, arm in arm, demanding justice. Major contributions by Jews helped to found, and fund, the SPLC, the NAACP, and UNCF.

Core values of Judaism and how Jews should always strive to do tikkun olam, including striking out against injustice and helping the poor.
The largest Jewish religious organization in the US has been FOR marriage equality and LGBT rights since the AIDS crisis in the 80s.

In Judaism, the concept of tikkun olam is a Hebrew phrase that roughly means "repairing the world" or "perfecting the world." It is a central tenet of Jewish Theology, as evidenced by its inclusion in the Aleinu, a Jewish prayer that is traditionally recited three times daily. Performing mitzvots, or good deeds, is one means of tikkun olam, and the concept of good deeds and improving the world is inextricably linked in Jewish minds to social justice and equality – the hallmarks of democratic party principles.
Guno צְבִי;5884523 said:
His former rivals bow and scrape, making fools of themselves and a mockery of their principles.

Meatball Ron has done it. Lyin’ Ted did it years ago. Little Marco too. Maybe Birdbrain will prove to have more cojones than that growing parade of men who once asked us to believe they were leaders but turned out to be sycophants.

They’ve all endured ritual humiliation at the hands of their master and then bowed and scraped for some small scrap of recognition from him. Some do it grudgingly at first, qualifiedly, until they realize that only complete obeisance will do for Donald Trump. These days they know the safest form of submission is unconditional. The former president will brook nothing but abject fealty, so just get straight to your knees and kiss the ring.

And Ronnie admits it

Guno צְבִי;5884584 said:
Really? Just how many Jews are in the senate or congress are in the white goyim party?

We Jews have nothing in common with your kind

Jewish thought is strongly aligned with social equality. Many of the first folks in the civil rights movement were Jews. On the march to Selma, look carefully at those old photos. Next to Dr. King, you will see rabbis, arm in arm, demanding justice. Major contributions by Jews helped to found, and fund, the SPLC, the NAACP, and UNCF.

Core values of Judaism and how Jews should always strive to do tikkun olam, including striking out against injustice and helping the poor.
The largest Jewish religious organization in the US has been FOR marriage equality and LGBT rights since the AIDS crisis in the 80s.

In Judaism, the concept of tikkun olam is a Hebrew phrase that roughly means "repairing the world" or "perfecting the world." It is a central tenet of Jewish Theology, as evidenced by its inclusion in the Aleinu, a Jewish prayer that is traditionally recited three times daily. Performing mitzvots, or good deeds, is one means of tikkun olam, and the concept of good deeds and improving the world is inextricably linked in Jewish minds to social justice and equality – the hallmarks of democratic party principles.

Irrelevant. They HATE you and you lick their asses. You're a pathetic lump of bullshit.
Guno צְבִי;5884523 said:
His former rivals bow and scrape, making fools of themselves and a mockery of their principles.

Meatball Ron has done it. Lyin’ Ted did it years ago. Little Marco too. Maybe Birdbrain will prove to have more cojones than that growing parade of men who once asked us to believe they were leaders but turned out to be sycophants.

They’ve all endured ritual humiliation at the hands of their master and then bowed and scraped for some small scrap of recognition from him. Some do it grudgingly at first, qualifiedly, until they realize that only complete obeisance will do for Donald Trump. These days they know the safest form of submission is unconditional. The former president will brook nothing but abject fealty, so just get straight to your knees and kiss the ring.
He degrades family members. He degrades each and every one of them personally.

And they still grovel. It's a disgrace.

Worse yet, behind closed doors they all wish he would just die. Truth is, nobody on the Right side of the aisle wants to legislate. They just want to keep getting elected, so they play the reality show games.

This will all be over soon.
Desatan's cowardice didn't surprise me. I was really embarrassed for Tim Scott <--- what a disgusting little toad he turned out to be!
They are both amateurs when compared to Lady G or that guy who was Speaker for 5 minutes.
He degrades family members. He degrades each and every one of them personally.

And they still grovel. It's a disgrace.

Worse yet, behind closed doors they all wish he would just die. Truth is, nobody on the Right side of the aisle wants to legislate. They just want to keep getting elected, so they play the reality show games.

This will all be over soon.

almost 8 years and N O T H I N G. Either trumps a criminal mastermind or you people are just retarded Clouseaus. Want to guess which I think it is?
Desatan's cowardice didn't surprise me. I was really embarrassed for Tim Scott <--- what a disgusting little toad he turned out to be!

We really need to just realize the Republican base actually appreciates and admires fraud, defamation, sexual assault, pathological lying, serial adultery, unrepentant narcissism.
Guno צְבִי;5884523 said:
His former rivals bow and scrape, making fools of themselves and a mockery of their principles.

Meatball Ron has done it. Lyin’ Ted did it years ago. Little Marco too. Maybe Birdbrain will prove to have more cojones than that growing parade of men who once asked us to believe they were leaders but turned out to be sycophants.

They’ve all endured ritual humiliation at the hands of their master and then bowed and scraped for some small scrap of recognition from him. Some do it grudgingly at first, qualifiedly, until they realize that only complete obeisance will do for Donald Trump. These days they know the safest form of submission is unconditional. The former president will brook nothing but abject fealty, so just get straight to your knees and kiss the ring.

When Russia hacked the RNC and DNC back in like 2015 they found TONS of blackmail material in the RNC files

In the DNC they found next to nothing compromise able

So they outed all the DNC files

They held the RNC crimes material close to their vest and individually threatened all Republicans

Hense all the RETIREMENTS right away

And the UTTER capitulation by those who stayed in

It’s why the entire party fears coming out against trump

They are all dirty and Putin has them by the balls
almost 8 years and N O T H I N G. Either trumps a criminal mastermind or you people are just retarded Clouseaus. Want to guess which I think it is?

He’s had to pay massive amounts out in court cases

He had a free pass legally for four years idiot
They are both amateurs when compared to Lady G or that guy who was Speaker for 5 minutes.

There are so many disgusting characters in the Republican party now. What they're not thinking about now - their kids and grandkids are going to have to live with the shame of how they all behaved.
We really need to just realize the Republican base actually appreciates and admires fraud, defamation, sexual assault, pathological lying, serial adultery, unrepentant narcissism.

I think most of them dismiss it as "fake news" or tell themselves, "the other guy's worse" in order to live with themselves. The ones that are smart enough to know better, like Stephanik and Scott, are the really evil, cynical ones. DeSatan, too!
I’m telling you

Russia hacked both the RNC AND DNC

That is a fact found by the FBI

They never did anything with the RNC material

But for some reason Trump was followed like a god by all the Republicans or they bailed on the party and Never spoke publicly against him

Putin has all the dirt from the inside of the RNC