Republican want gun control

should simply be further proof that the government is out to restrict our 2nd Amendment to the point it cannot be used, but you statists will cheer your enslavement.
your right wing scotus already said gun laws are perfectly constitutional
'right wing' should be all you need to know to determine that they are also about removing your natural rights, but of course since it limits GUNS, you're perfectly fine with a right wing decision this time making you a traitor to the constitution. Scalia is wrong and he knows it, but then again, he lies about being an originalist.
They just don't want Obama gun control

Seriously laughing over this poll!

Just like everything else.

They wanted Universal Healthcare, until Obama did it.
They wanted it to be mandated because "that's the only way it would work", until Obama did it.
They liked the Bank Bailouts, until Obama did it.
They liked the Auto Bailouts, until Obama did it.
They liked the free cell phones, until Obama did it.

It's clear the Republican party is lost right now and trying to refocus and regroup. But it's boiled down to a point of, doesn't matter what Obama does. The Right Wing and the media that represent it sit and wait for anything to come out of Obama's mouth and without thought, start attacking it. If it's Obama, it's bad. Some wonder what would have happened if Obama's plan had just been accepted. Possibly the economy would have jump started and came back to life quickly making Republicans and Bush look bad enough to never take them seriously again.

I know for a fact the Anti-Outsourcing Bill would have been great for our country. I also happen to think Jobs for Veterans would have been great for our country. These are investment bills and would have probably paid themselves off quickly. It also would have proved that govenrment CAN help people get work using the powers in hand. But again, it would have clowned the Right Wing pretty hard.

Clintons success, then Bush's massive failure.....what happens if the Left gets control and gets huge success again? So they vote it down to prevent the succes, though in doing this they actually create success anyway. Obama is going to be one of our smallest growth spending presidents ever..