Republicans are already socialists


I think this rather funny and ironic. In a sense I have always argued that the republicans were socialists but socialists for the rich. This conservative feels differently. Worth a read and some thought. Of course, I wish the republicans were more socialistic in the positive sense of taking care of America and all its inhabitants - not just the wealthy.

By Sean Scallon

"What’s going on on the social-democratic Right [republican] is mere political posturing, trying to reclaim a brand label for themselves that was fraudulent to begin with so they can try to disguise themselves now that they don’t have to back up a Republican President with their votes anymore. What does that make them? Apparently less honest with themselves than President so-called “Compassionate Conservative” Bush II. At least we knew where Bush II stood. And Ron Paul is right too. The social-democratic Right simply believes in different spending priorities (like the trillion dollar War in Iraq) and wants to fund them with tax cuts which means more borrowing to cover the costs, all thanks to House GOP leader Rep. “Borrow-and-Spend” Boehner.

Don’t believe me? Try this experiment. Write to every Republican Congressperson in Tennessee and Kentucky and ask them whether they support privatizing the socialistic Tennessee Valley Authority."

The American Conservative

"Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they've lost all incentive because we've given them too much money." George Carlin
Yay, Midcan read another book review... At least the link isn't to Amazon, that's progress.

On the other hand, I actually agree (wow) to a large extent that the GOP spends way too much money and refuses to self-reflect on what it actually believes about the role of government in American society. At least the Dems honestly believe that it should extend to every facet of life. The GOP is still out to lunch. And, yes, we need to scale back on military spending, starting with most overseas bases (starting with Europe).
"Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they've lost all incentive because we've given them too much money." George Carlin

I love that statement, pretty much describes a lot about the Republican party.
It is true. I wish the Republicans were true free-marketeers but every Republican in the last fifty years has maintained the unconstitutional welfare state. A rare moment of agreement with midcan, though I'm sure he'll say something stupid soon and make me wish I hadn't.