Republicans Are Lousy Politicians


Verified User
Is there really any rational argument that Republicans are fucking idiots?

Notice how they have bowed down to the Democrat narrative and national accusation that they, (Republicans), ”shut down the government.” They’ve allowed the Democrat propaganda machine to pin the rap on Republicans so successfully that now days even the fucking moron Republicans are running around saying Republicans shut down the government and they don’t want to do it again over the debt ceiling.

To my very accurate and honest recollection. The House Republicans passed several bills that would have kept the fucking government open. To my very accurate and honest recollection it was Harry Read that wouldn’t allow the legislation to come to the floor of the Senate and it was Obama that publically announced that he would “not negotiate.”

Looks to me like if Republicans had half a fucking brain politically, they’d have advertised to the nation endlessly just like the fucking Democrats did that Democrats had shut down the government and stuck to that narrative through thick and thin just like the Democrats did and thereby at the very least convinced the nation that the government shutdown was a wash of responsibility.

Republicans are lousy politicians and politically they’re fucking idiots and the neo-con RINO’s among them are fucking hypocrites and fucking liars too, but that’s another thread.
yeah its all just how you phrase it huh.

face the fact that your ideas are unsellable.

stop cheating and let democracy work.

Your ideas are crap and the people have not wanted them to be in place for decades now.

Cheating is the only way you can get into office
The Republicans tried to sabotage democracy and found it didn't work unless you get the Army on side, which, I take it, is their current project. Their equivalents in Thailand are proposing that the right get extra votes - it is so unfair that they should lose!
Is there really any rational argument that Republicans are fucking idiots?

Notice how they have bowed down to the Democrat narrative and national accusation that they, (Republicans), ”shut down the government.” They’ve allowed the Democrat propaganda machine to pin the rap on Republicans so successfully that now days even the fucking moron Republicans are running around saying Republicans shut down the government and they don’t want to do it again over the debt ceiling.

To my very accurate and honest recollection. The House Republicans passed several bills that would have kept the fucking government open. To my very accurate and honest recollection it was Harry Read that wouldn’t allow the legislation to come to the floor of the Senate and it was Obama that publically announced that he would “not negotiate.”

Looks to me like if Republicans had half a fucking brain politically, they’d have advertised to the nation endlessly just like the fucking Democrats did that Democrats had shut down the government and stuck to that narrative through thick and thin just like the Democrats did and thereby at the very least convinced the nation that the government shutdown was a wash of responsibility.

Republicans are lousy politicians and politically they’re fucking idiots and the neo-con RINO’s among them are fucking hypocrites and fucking liars too, but that’s another thread.
Is there really any rational argument that Republicans are fucking idiots?

Notice how they have bowed down to the Democrat narrative and national accusation that they, (Republicans), ”shut down the government.” They’ve allowed the Democrat propaganda machine to pin the rap on Republicans so successfully that now days even the fucking moron Republicans are running around saying Republicans shut down the government and they don’t want to do it again over the debt ceiling.

To my very accurate and honest recollection. The House Republicans passed several bills that would have kept the fucking government open. To my very accurate and honest recollection it was Harry Read that wouldn’t allow the legislation to come to the floor of the Senate and it was Obama that publically announced that he would “not negotiate.”

Looks to me like if Republicans had half a fucking brain politically, they’d have advertised to the nation endlessly just like the fucking Democrats did that Democrats had shut down the government and stuck to that narrative through thick and thin just like the Democrats did and thereby at the very least convinced the nation that the government shutdown was a wash of responsibility.

Republicans are lousy politicians and politically they’re fucking idiots and the neo-con RINO’s among them are fucking hypocrites and fucking liars too, but that’s another thread.

Yes, many Republican politicians are idiots; but they're still smarter idiots than the morons in the Democratic Party.

Well let’s see. The Democrats and Obama refuse to negotiate then manage to blame the government shutdown on the Republicans so successfully that now even the Republicans are saying publically they, “they,” (Republicans), shutdown the government. And you still contend that Republicans are smarter politically than Democrats???

Now that’s funny, I don’t care who ya are!!!!
dear fucking idiot,

when you accept the shut down as a option by allowing it to happen because you didn't get your way then YOU caused the shutdown.

The minority of the minority does NOT get its way in a Democracy.

trying to insist you get your way it UnAmerican.

we have elections and your team didn't win the power you won the minority of the government power NOT the majority power.

anyone who loves Democracy would accept that fact.

YOUR party hates Democracy.

its why you have to cheat in elections to win.
dear fucking idiot,

when you accept the shut down as a option by allowing it to happen because you didn't get your way then YOU caused the shutdown.

The minority of the minority does NOT get its way in a Democracy.

trying to insist you get your way it UnAmerican.

we have elections and your team didn't win the power you won the minority of the government power NOT the majority power.

anyone who loves Democracy would accept that fact.

YOUR party hates Democracy.

its why you have to cheat in elections to win.

Well moron, it takes two to tango and if the corrupt majority refuses to tango how do you explain blaming the show devoid of tangoing on the minority that offered to tango????? By the way idiot there's no Democrat majority in the House of Congress. Republicans won that election. America is not designed to be a dictatorship even though you and Obama think it is.
why did MORE Americans vote for a dem in that election yet you got the majority in ONE body ?

because your full of fucking cheating assholes is why.

You don't have the majority of the government asshole.

You are the minority of the minority party in our government right now.

cheating your way to the lead of ONE branch is not making your party the Majority huh?

this current republican party is the enemy of Democracy
You don't hire the kid who stole your kids bike and tells everyone he hates kids to babysit your kids.
Dear Classic; "good politicians" brought us the Social Security ponzi scheme used to fund Federal deficits, Medicare, long term unemployment benefits, Obamacare, welfare ANDrat infested, criminal infested, drug infested housing projects.

Maybe you should not want "good politicians" but more of the "bad" kind who don't get much done?

I would argue that the problem isn't "good" or "bad" politicians, but rather "professional" politicians who make their living feeding from he government trough.
its what you fucks do.

you hate government and say it doesn't work and if your elected you trash it while in office.

You don't hire the people who hate government to run government.

unless you want government to fail