Republicans do change!


[ame=""]YouTube - Conservatives for Change[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - Republicans for Obama[/ame]
Just keep in mind that with all the Republicans coming to the table for Obama (and there are a number of them), he's going to have to come to the table for them if he wants to keep governing.
Just keep in mind that with all the Republicans coming to the table for Obama (and there are a number of them), he's going to have to come to the table for them if he wants to keep governing.

Just be non conservative fiscally. Seems to have worked for many republicans, and took most of the rest of them 6 years to figure it out.
Well, my sincere hope is that kind of coalition would make a President Obama more fiscally conservative, and more understanding of the argument for markets.
Every year there is some video of people and a group of people called, "Democrats for <insert Republican here>" and "Republicans for <insert Democratic candidate here>", without knowing the person you have to take their word for it.

Imagine seeing my mug on a commercial... "I've been a Democrat all my life, but this year I'm voting McCain!" (I'm not voting McCain, nor have I ever been a Democrat)...

Nobody would know, nobody would care, nobody would check...
Well, my sincere hope is that kind of coalition would make a President Obama more fiscally conservative, and more understanding of the argument for markets.

Where did he say he was anti-market? The very fact that Obama is going to pressure congress to re-institute PAYGO indicates he's far more fiscally conservative thatn most Republicans. That is unless you define fiscal conservatism as tax breaks and bail outs for rich people?
Where did he say he was anti-market...bail outs for rich people?

He didn't say he was anti-market, but the Congress will be trending that way and I wonder if he will use the veto more than the previous President now that he will be given a large majority.

I will give McCain one thing that he will probably not get a chance to prove in office now, but I do believe that he would use the veto more than Bush...though his vote on the bailout sort of mitigates that argument considering how he should have responded much more critically to the content of the bill than he did.

He did support a bailout for rich people very recently and we know it won't be the last.
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Good governance is good governance. The republicans have failed completely. You cannot govern when you think government is the problem, and it is obvious to most today that government is absolutely essential to a working modern democracy in a modern global world. Republicans of all levels realize that today if you had checked the second youtube video.

Christopher Hitchens
This election isn't about Obama or McCain. It's about the American voters rejecting the conservative ideology that's been in place since Reagan. It's amazing how people will cast off their conservative brainwashing when they feel pain in their pocketbooks. It's about time that people realized that conservative ideology benefits only the very rich while the rest of us pay thru the nose, our standard of living declines and the American Dream turns into a nightmare. Time to put war profiteers, savage capitalists and party before country conservatives in their place, or in jail.

Revenge is a dish best served cold. No, its not a Klingon saying, its from "La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid" in the novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses (1782) by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos. And I feel that the way conservatives and their anti-democratic, anti-American, pro slavery ideology have used this country is criminal and those who have committed these crimes must pay for their crimes to our society.

Harsh? ubetcha.
Good governance is good governance. The republicans have failed completely. You cannot govern when you think government is the problem...

You absolutely can govern under those conditions if you understand the proper limitations of government. But it is certainly questionable that the Bush Republicans didn't believe in government. They believed in a great deal of government when it met their political goals.

People involved in good government knows the limits of their power and seek to do well at the things for which they have a just and lawful authority.

We should be every bit as skeptical of the Democrats as the Republicans, even if we hire them as an alternative, especially considering the precendent set by the Bush Republicans.
You absolutely can govern under those conditions if you understand the proper limitations of government. But it is certainly questionable that the Bush Republicans didn't believe in government. They believed in a great deal of government when it met their political goals.

People involved in good government knows the limits of their power and seek to do well at the things for which they have a just and lawful authority.

We should be every bit as skeptical of the Democrats as the Republicans, even if we hire them as an alternative, especially considering the precendent set by the Bush Republicans.

When are you going to admit that Republicons want to govern in order to turn a profit for themselves and their elite backers. They don't give a shit about this country. Bottom line, they use this country to enrich themselves, fucking traitors.
When are you going to admit that Republicons want to govern in order to turn a profit for themselves and their elite backers. They don't give a shit about this country. Bottom line, they use this country to enrich themselves, fucking traitors.

I don't think this really describes all Republicans any more than negative attributes of some Democrats describes all Democrats. I haven't done anything to keep the current bums in office from being thrown out because I agree with you as it relates to the current government.

That doesn't mean I have to accept without question the bad policies of another administration just because they claim to "like government" and they are capable of using it "effectively". Because much of that kind of "effective government" happens to enrich special interests at our expense and just has softer marketing attached to it.
Just keep in mind that with all the Republicans coming to the table for Obama (and there are a number of them), he's going to have to come to the table for them if he wants to keep governing.

Adam, I've replied to this comment of yours before. Aren't you stating the obvious? Isn't that the point? Isn't that why there voting for Obama?

I'm in the vanguard of this movement. I jumped ship four years ago. There's plenty about the Democratic platform I'm not enthusiastic about. But I do have a voice there and it is listened to and that is why I left the Republican party. I had no voice there but reactionaries like Dixie do while the party speaks with the voice of Joseph Goebbels.

Obama has to know that alienated Republicans and blue dog converts are going to be an important part of his coalition. Obama will be a fool if he doesn't name a well known and respected Republican to his cabinet such as Ron Paul or Colin Powel.

If he were to make the mistake that Bush incredibly did when he lost the popular vote, squeeked by on the electoral vote and took the whole country to the far ideological right, then Obama will be a one term President.

Personally I don't think he's that stupid.

If I was Obama, assuming he wins, I think he should consider appointing Dr. Paul to a cabinet level position to address the issue of health care reform. I don't think you could find a better qualified person who can cross party lines and who would be focused on practical solutions and not ideology.
I don't think this really describes all Republicans any more than negative attributes of some Democrats describes all Democrats. I haven't done anything to keep the current bums in office from being thrown out because I agree with you as it relates to the current government.

That doesn't mean I have to accept without question the bad policies of another administration just because they claim to "like government" and they are capable of using it "effectively". Because much of that kind of "effective government" happens to enrich special interests at our expense and just has softer marketing attached to it.

There are extremes to any political coalition, particularly when it's a polarized two party system like ours. It's out job as voters to keep them from going over the ideological edge to extremes, left or right.

Much of the population of this country shares the present mess we are in because they supported extreme right wing political leadership and it's up to us that we don't allow those on the far left or those of any extreme, to do the same.
If I was Obama, assuming he wins, I think he should consider appointing Dr. Paul to a cabinet level position to address the issue of health care reform.

I wish you were Obama then, because this will likely never happen.

I'd offer him Treasury Secretary, personally. But it may not actually pass his own Senate because they would say he's a libertarian caveman who wants to "take us back to the industrial revolution".
I wish you were Obama then, because this will likely never happen.

I'd offer him Treasury Secretary, personally. But it may not actually pass his own Senate because they would say he's a libertarian caveman who wants to "take us back to the industrial revolution".


He is. If you took him out of the 21st century and dropped him in the 1880's GOP he'd fit in a lot better.

He is. If you took him out of the 21st century and dropped him in the 1880's GOP he'd fit in a lot better.

No, this is just something that the left likes to say about anyone who wants to even slightly moderate the economic condition of the country, to make people fearful of the consequences of questioning the left's qualifications on economic policy.