Republicans Lack the Balls of the Democrats!

Okay, to clear up any possible future misconception or "red flag" you might take from the title of this thread, I don't mean balls, as in "testicles." Heaven's no! The Democrats lost those long ago, they are without testicles completely. I mean Crystal Balls.

Republicans lack the Crystal Balls which Democrats all seem to have inside their brains. It's obvious that this makes them much better qualified to lead our nation! People who have the ability to see into the future, and know what the appropriate action should be, regardless of how crazy it sounds at the time, are amazingly wonderful to have around. Think of all the turmoil we would could have avoided, by electing Democrats with their balls of crystal?

First, we wouldn't have ever had a 9/11! They would have known, by the Crystal Balls in their head, that Osama was going to attack the WTC buildings, and they could have tracked down every single piece of information we discovered afterward, before the terrorists ever knew what hit them!

We wouldn't need the Patriot Act or NSA Spy program, because again... the Crystal Balls in their brains would let them know who the bad guys were, and they could isolate their messages alone, and not violate any rights of anyone. We wouldn't need to interrogate captured enemy combatants, the Crystal Balls would tell them what the plot was, where and who was planning it, and so forth... no need for torture, or really even to detain them. Just turn them all lose and let the Democrats with their Crystal Balls, tell us what to do.

The whole Iraq War! Imagine how many lives could have been saved, and money saved, had we utilized the glorious power of the Democrats Crystal Balls? We would have known that there were no WMD in Iraq, and Saddam was a great guy, just like that great guy over in Iran, the Democrats know these things from the Crystal Balls. Should KimJong or some other nutbag, try to pull something funny with a nuke, the Democrats have their trusty Crystal Balls to save us all!

I mean, look.... let's face it Republicans, we just don't have the balls. The Democrats can withhold a pedophiles sex scandal for timely release to effect an election, then claim Republicans failed in their responsibility to protect the children. That really takes some balls. You see, with the Democrats Crystal Balls, they could tell by the innocuous and harmless friendly emails Foley sent to the pages, that he was a full-blown sexual deviant perverted child molester. The very call for Hastert to resign takes balls! Their Crystal Balls tell them that Hastert knew Foley was a fully-blown sexual deviant child molesting pervert, and allowed him to remain in his seat for political gain. Trust me, it makes sense if you have Crystal Balls.

Never before in human history has someone had such a propensity for writing so many words, yet saying so little.
Dixie.... I am no powerful democratic strategist...I am just a guy who retired from the Navy who now lives and works in Maine...

I TOLD you.... that there weren't any WMD's... you laughed at me and called me a moron...there weren't. I was right.

I TOLD you.... that there weren't any connections between Saddam and AQ... you laughed at me and called me a moron...there weren't. I was right.

I TOLD you.... that there weren't any connections between Saddam and 9/11... you laughed at me and called me a moron...there weren't. I was right.

I TOLD you.... that there wouldn't be any peace after we forced our brand of democracy down the throats of the Iraqi citizenry at the point of a gun... you laughed at me and called me a moron...there wasn't any. I was right.

I TOLD you.... that the "insurgency" was not made up of foreigners, but primarily Iraqis who hated one another... you laughed at me and called me a is almost all Iraqis. I was right.

You TOLD me that we would not lose 500 more troops.... I laughed at you and called you a moron. You were wrong. We've lost 620 and October is the bloodiest month in over a year and a half.... I was right.

You TOLD me that, upon the death of Zarqawi, that the insurgency in Iraq would dry up... I laughed at you and called you a moron. You were wrong. AQ in Iraq is still a player, but the sunnis and the shi'ites make up the bulk of this mess and they are far from "drying up"..... I was right.

I don't own a crystal ball.

I am no fortune teller.

I just don't drink koolaid and I don't wear blinders and I don't have my tongue so far up Bush's ass that I can't still see what is happening in the world.
Latest update from a war Dixie helped get us into:

Iraq: bombs at "all-time high"; 22 US soldiers killed in past 4 days


Bush's war in Iraq is a disaster -- and it's getting worse. This is what you get when you stay the course:

U.S. military spokesman Major General William Caldwell said the number of car bombs in Baghdad, both detonated and defused, hit their highest level of the year last week and that bombs reported in general were "also at an all-time high".

U.S. and Iraqi forces have mounted a major military operation in the past two months against militants in Baghdad.

For the second time in two days, four U.S. soldiers were killed in a single incident around Baghdad, this time in what appears to have been a substantial skirmish involving mortars or rockets and gunfire to the northwest. It took the death toll in four days of the month to 15 around Baghdad and 22 in total.

"Okay, to clear up any possible future misconception or "red flag" you might take from the title of this thread, I don't mean balls, as in "testicles." Heaven's no! The Democrats lost those long ago, they are without testicles completely."

I'm guessing they lost them whenever they stopped hosing the defensless blacks in your home city. Ah, those were the days, huh?
and by DIxie's own admission....he sure as hell doesn't like doing business with them so I am sure he wished that those racist southern democrats, or their successors, the racist southern republicans, would still hose them away from HIS place of business!
Okay, to clear up any possible future misconception or "red flag" you might take from the title of this thread, I don't mean balls, as in "testicles." Heaven's no! The Democrats lost those long ago, they are without testicles completely. I mean Crystal Balls.

Republicans lack the Crystal Balls which Democrats all seem to have inside their brains. It's obvious that this makes them much better qualified to lead our nation! People who have the ability to see into the future, and know what the appropriate action should be, regardless of how crazy it sounds at the time, are amazingly wonderful to have around. Think of all the turmoil we would could have avoided, by electing Democrats with their balls of crystal?

First, we wouldn't have ever had a 9/11! They would have known, by the Crystal Balls in their head, that Osama was going to attack the WTC buildings, and they could have tracked down every single piece of information we discovered afterward, before the terrorists ever knew what hit them!

We wouldn't need the Patriot Act or NSA Spy program, because again... the Crystal Balls in their brains would let them know who the bad guys were, and they could isolate their messages alone, and not violate any rights of anyone. We wouldn't need to interrogate captured enemy combatants, the Crystal Balls would tell them what the plot was, where and who was planning it, and so forth... no need for torture, or really even to detain them. Just turn them all lose and let the Democrats with their Crystal Balls, tell us what to do.

The whole Iraq War! Imagine how many lives could have been saved, and money saved, had we utilized the glorious power of the Democrats Crystal Balls? We would have known that there were no WMD in Iraq, and Saddam was a great guy, just like that great guy over in Iran, the Democrats know these things from the Crystal Balls. Should KimJong or some other nutbag, try to pull something funny with a nuke, the Democrats have their trusty Crystal Balls to save us all!

I mean, look.... let's face it Republicans, we just don't have the balls. The Democrats can withhold a pedophiles sex scandal for timely release to effect an election, then claim Republicans failed in their responsibility to protect the children. That really takes some balls. You see, with the Democrats Crystal Balls, they could tell by the innocuous and harmless friendly emails Foley sent to the pages, that he was a full-blown sexual deviant perverted child molester. The very call for Hastert to resign takes balls! Their Crystal Balls tell them that Hastert knew Foley was a fully-blown sexual deviant child molesting pervert, and allowed him to remain in his seat for political gain. Trust me, it makes sense if you have Crystal Balls.


Dixie.......there are more balls (the testicular variety) at any typical Democratic meeting of NOW members then there are in the whole of the deep south.

And these women not only have more balls...which of course aint saying much....but they have functional brain cells too! :p
your post reminded me of this great song!

Crystal Ball
Written by tommy shaw
Lead vocals by tommy shaw

I used to like to walk the straight and narrow line
I used to think that everything was fine
Sometimes Id like to sit and gaze for days through sleepless dreams
All alone and trapped in time
All alone and trapped in time

I wonder what tomorrow has in mind for me
Or am I even in its mind at all
Perhaps Ill get a chance to look ahead and see
Soon as I find myself a crystal ball
Soon as I find myself a crystal ball

Tell me, tell me where Im going
I dont know where Ive been
Tell me, tell me, wont you tell me
And then tell me again
My heart is breaking, my bodys aching
And I dont know where to go
Tell me, tell me, wont you tell me
Ive just got to know

Crystal ball
Theres so many things I need to know
Crystal ball
Theres so many things Ive got to know
Crystal ball

[extra verse used occasionally live]
If you should see me walking
Through your dreams at night
Would you please direct me
Where I ought to be
Ive been looking for a crystal ball
To shed the light
To find a future in me...
To find a future in me...

Crystal ball
Theres so many things I need to know
Crystal ball
Theres so many things Ive got to know
Crystal ball
Never before in human history has someone had such a propensity for writing so many words, yet saying so little.

I've asked this before, but never got an answer. Do you think Damo is paying him by the word in order to inflate the daily postings?
I've asked this before, but never got an answer. Do you think Damo is paying him by the word in order to inflate the daily postings?

No...Damo isn't paying me.:(

It's the price I pay in maintaining the status of a Living Legend. Once you've reached this pinacle, you must strive to maintain a level of pontification worthy of your legendary status. Of course, you would never know about any of this, given your obvious inferiority.
No...Damo isn't paying me.:(

It's the price I pay in maintaining the status of a Living Legend. Once you've reached this pinacle, you must strive to maintain a level of pontification worthy of your legendary status. Of course, you would never know about any of this, given your obvious inferiority.

Oh I see.

You're in a fugue state.

Yeah, I've heard about those.
Reach the status of a living legend ? Well in your own mind perhaps Dix....
But in the world of reality, you are just a screwed up pinheaded Bush blue jean worshipper.
I know of NO ONE - not even his pals toby and michaelK - who think that Dixie is a living legend......

just Dixie himself, the egotistical redneck racist asshole from the Birmingham trailer park.
Reach the status of a living legend ? Well in your own mind perhaps Dix....
But in the world of reality, you are just a screwed up pinheaded Bush blue jean worshipper.

No, it's pretty much a concensus that I am a living legend. I don't really worship blue jeans, or Bush for that matter, although I do think he has fought the war on terror better than any democrat could have.
how do you come by this bizarre belief as to the consensus surrounding your living legend status?

Why don't you do a poll and we'll see.
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