republicans put all their eggs in one basket: Fox News



This is a study done of americans news viewing habits

Hollander documented a media shift among Democrats to friendly sources, too, but the most dramatic change has occurred among Republicans. And, possibly, among more casual consumers of news.

“Republicans have dramatically dropped news sources that they perceive as being biased against their position. They’ve completely fled into Fox and have left CNN, broadcast news and all the others,” Hollander said.

Outrage over alleged liberalism could explain this, except for one inconvenient fact. Republicans, Hollander said, have even dropped C-SPAN, which — because of its verbatim approach — is widely considered neutral in content.

This is a study done of americans news viewing habits

Hollander documented a media shift among Democrats to friendly sources, too, but the most dramatic change has occurred among Republicans. And, possibly, among more casual consumers of news.

“Republicans have dramatically dropped news sources that they perceive as being biased against their position. They’ve completely fled into Fox and have left CNN, broadcast news and all the others,” Hollander said.

Outrage over alleged liberalism could explain this, except for one inconvenient fact. Republicans, Hollander said, have even dropped C-SPAN, which — because of its verbatim approach — is widely considered neutral in content.
Funny there are no examples of 'proof' here. Ah well, for myself, I find my news online. FOX is way too much into sensational news and the rest are even more worthless. Problem is that even the newspapers have become more extensions of the parties or at least trumpet one or the others talking points, so I try to find my own.
maybe you didnt read the piece very closely. Its about a study done.

Unfortunately, like so many of your articles about studies, they do not actually link to the ACTUAL study. Instead we get the authors view of what the study showed.

In this case, we get the authors view of the professors view of what eight different studies lumped together means.

Note... one thing about your article Desh.... Foxs percent of Rep viewers is 36%.... which means the vast majority go elsewhere for their news.
Unfortunately, like so many of your articles about studies, they do not actually link to the ACTUAL study. Instead we get the authors view of what the study showed.

In this case, we get the authors view of the professors view of what eight different studies lumped together means.

Note... one thing about your article Desh.... Foxs percent of Rep viewers is 36%.... which means the vast majority go elsewhere for their news.

36% harldly seems like putting 'all one's eggs in one basket'.
Republicans avoiding CSPAN ? Figures... they do not want to know the truth and prefer to live in a fantasy world.
Republicans avoiding CSPAN ? Figures... they do not want to know the truth and prefer to live in a fantasy world.

Oh yeah, like watching politicians speak all day is living in reality. Can there be a bigger waste of time than watching a bunch of blowhards try and show off for the camera? It might explain a lot if you watch C-SPAN all day citizen.

As an aside notice this author doesn't put percentages in his C-SPAN comment in his article while he does for CNN and Fox.
Oh yeah, like watching politicians speak all day is living in reality. Can there be a bigger waste of time than watching a bunch of blowhards try and show off for the camera? It might explain a lot if you watch C-SPAN all day citizen.

As an aside notice this author doesn't put percentages in his C-SPAN comment in his article while he does for CNN and Fox.

I enjoy the mornings with call in time for Reps/Dems/Ind, sure many of them lie, but it's like the messageboards. ;)

I really enjoy the series, especially the books.

Their interviews are top notch, not nearly as biased as many on PBS.
Cspan does not opinionate or sensationalize the reality of our govt. Sorry you have problems with the real world cawacko and need things enquirerized.
I enjoy the mornings with call in time for Reps/Dems/Ind, sure many of them lie, but it's like the messageboards. ;)

I really enjoy the series, especially the books.

Their interviews are top notch, not nearly as biased as many on PBS.

Ok, I find the interviews and discussions with the authors of books very interesting as well. As far as morning call ins they are exactly like messageboards. Is that really reality? I mean its reality in the sense people believe what they say but that doesn't necessarily mean its true or accurate.

Watching politicians during the day is seeing a bunch of high paid prostitutes speak. Again, must be why it is so appealing to citizen. Whatever floats your boat man.
Cspan does not opinionate or sensationalize the reality of our govt. Sorry you have problems with the real world cawacko and need things enquirerized.

So I need to spend my day listening to some politicians spout on forever how long and that's going to give me reality? Yes it shows how our government operates but I guess I don't take too many politicians at their word hence the need not to watch them. If you feel different then more power to you.
Ok, I find the interviews and discussions with the authors of books very interesting as well. As far as morning call ins they are exactly like messageboards. Is that really reality? I mean its reality in the sense people believe what they say but that doesn't necessarily mean its true or accurate.

Watching politicians during the day is seeing a bunch of high paid prostitutes speak. Again, must be why it is so appealing to citizen. Whatever floats your boat man.

As for the morning programs, I find sometimes that someone says something that makes me think, more often, the 'moderator' will throw something out from the newspapers. I will say that it's about 50/50 in line with my own opinion, but I like to hear the 'other side.'
Just Came Across This-Related

Seems most are down a couple are up. Why?

New FAS-FAX: Steep Decline at 'NYT' While 'WSJ' Gains

By Jennifer Saba

Published: April 28, 2008 8:00 AM ET

NEW YORK Print circulation continues on its steep downward slide, the Audit Bureau of Circulations revealed this morning in releasing the latest numbers for some of the country's largest dailies in the six-month period ending March 31, 2008. When a full analysis appears it is expected to find, according to sources, the biggest dip yet, about 3.5% daily and 4.5 for Sunday.

The following circulation compares the new data to the same period a year ago. Daily circulation is the Monday-through-Friday average.

-- The New York Times lost more than 150,000 copies on Sunday. Circulation on that day fell a whopping 9.2% to 1,476,400. The paper's daily circulation declined 3.8% to 1,077,256.

According to New York Times spokeswoman Diane McNulty, the company had budgeted for the declines in Sunday and daily circulation. Two-thirds of the Sunday loss stemmed from the elimination of bonus days and third-party bulk copies. Also: the paper had a single copy and home delivery price increase in July. The paper also focused on growing "highly profitable circulation," she noted.

-- At The Washington Post, daily circulation decreased 3.5% to 673,180 and Sunday dropped 4.3% to 890,163.

-- Meanwhile, daily circulation at The Wall Street Journal grew a fraction of a percent, up 0.3% to 2,069,463 copies. At USA Today, circulation inched up 0.27%* to 2,284,219. (Correction: the original version of this story said USA Today's daily circulation was up 2.7%.)
