Republicans support never ending war....AND they ruin my european vacation


Well-known member
This is the type of shit that supposed to happen to the peso, not the dollar.

Make you you have plenty of euros, before heading to europe.

And, make sure you wear your "I voted for Al Gore" button. :)

American tourists with dollars turned away from currency exchanges in Amsterdam

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The U.S. dollar's value is dropping so fast against the euro that small currency outlets in Amsterdam are turning away tourists seeking to sell their dollars for local money while on vacation in the Netherlands.

"Our dollar is worth maybe zero over here," said Mary Kelly, an American tourist from Indianapolis, Indiana, in front of the Anne Frank house. "It's hard to find a place to exchange. We have to go downtown, to the central station or post office."

That's because the smaller currency exchanges -- despite buy/sell spreads that make it easier for them to make money by exchanging small amounts of currency -- don't want to be caught holding dollars that could be worth less by the time they can sell them
And it is really just beginning.. ON the flip side we will maybe see lots of Euro touists over here this year. Perhaps we can just turn the country into a giant amusement park. We can all get jobs as carnies.
WE could make congress into an animatronics exhibit fior tourists.
The treasury could manufacture tokens for the arcades and vending machines, And also toilet paper.
The militaty could set up prole hunting preserves.
I'm confused on how the dollar going down-hill is a "Republican" tragedy. Not that Republicans lack any more guilt than Dems on monetary policy, but when Bill was President, the dollar did fall against Germany's Currency. I can remember more than 3 DMs to the dollar in early 80s, but than it started sliding, going down to 1.20 DMs (+ or -) to the dollar before the Euro came to town. Values bounce up and down for no good reason. I don't blame either side. All in all, Europe has been an expensive (but nice) place to visit for at least a couple decades. If you go, plan on having a great time and smashing the "Piggy Bank"!
9/11 changed our World. I'm not so sure that the National Debt would be much lower had John Kerry defeated George Bush 4 years ago. We would have spent the cash differently and perhaps better, but we would have spent it all the same. Maybe I'm wrong, but that is just guessing by any of us. Come November, we will start a Post-Bush Era (almost anyway), and I imagine we will know within a year how Dems do with the check-book.
I'm confused on how the dollar going down-hill is a "Republican" tragedy. Not that Republicans lack any more guilt than Dems on monetary policy, but when Bill was President, the dollar did fall against Germany's Currency. I can remember more than 3 DMs to the dollar in early 80s, but than it started sliding, going down to 1.20 DMs (+ or -) to the dollar before the Euro came to town. Values bounce up and down for no good reason. I don't blame either side. All in all, Europe has been an expensive (but nice) place to visit for at least a couple decades. If you go, plan on having a great time and smashing the "Piggy Bank"!

I have to agree, Democrats are as guilty as Republicans on this one!
What, you mean they had to actually go somewhere else to exchange it?!?!!?

Well, the euro must be worthless, because I cannot exchange my dollars for euros at my local grocery store-- I have to actually go to a bank or similar establishment.